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Member since: Jul 23 2008, 2:19 AM EDT
Friends: 1
Compliments: None

Hello, my name is Azriel

Home town
: gates of hell


I joined this wiki because: it seems interesting, and is almost every nerds fun to read on :P

The best word to describe me is: insane... crazy... psycho-ic i mean ic... lol

Interests: crazy fun and interesting things...

Favorite movies: the stand (Stephen king)

Favorite TV shows: simpsons, family guy, south park

My hero(es):

My superpower is: Fly, animal speach

If I could live anywhere, it would be: Irland

My dream job(s): vet., cryptozoo-ologist

What else you should know about me:

Leave me a comment
below, or send me a private message or compliment!

Latest page update: Jul 23 2008, 2:39 AM EDT

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