How to place a classified ad

If you don't see your business listed contact our sales staff to have your business listed today in one of our three community directories...or all three!

Now you can submit a classified ad for our printed issue and the Web site. Just fill out the information fields and click on the submit button. We will call you back with the cost of your ad and payment options. It's as easy as that!

By Phone: (605) 343-5802

By Mail: Quik Quarter PO Box 91606 Sioux Falls, SD 57109

By Email: [email protected]

Classified Deadline: Tuesday by noon CT for Thursday publication

Quik Quarter is published weekly.

Quik Quarter cannot guarantee specific page placement. Copy change deadline noon Tuesday. Materials returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Quik Quarter reserves the right to refuse ad copy unsuitable for publication or to edit where necessary. No credit or refund on this special.