How to summon a ghost.This is a featured page

Experts consider summoning a ghost to be an extremely dangerous proposition. It requires thorough research, an open mind and genuine dedication to the endeavor without any skepticism or cynicism. If you wish to summon a ghost, first know exactly what you are doing and then take precautions to protect yourself.
Research the ghost you intend to summon thoroughly, using libraries, newspaper morgues, living relatives and any available information on the internet. Find out everything you can about it: its identity in life, its manner of death, its history of manifestation and its general personality. In particular, you need to determine whether this is a ghost which is amenable to being summoned. If it isn't, you may find yourself with a very angry spirit on your hands.

Gather materials which may have been important to the ghost in life. This can include mementos such as watches and handkerchiefs, dolls and childhood toys, photographs or even a lock of hair if you can procure it. Anything which has a significant connection to the ghost will make it easier to summon it.


Choose the location most conducive to summoning the ghost. This can be the house where it manifests, the spot where it died, the cemetery where its corpse is buried or just somewhere known to be a channel for spirits.

Draw a protective circle around the area where the (living) participants should stand. This should be augmented with protective symbols, crucifixes, spirit wards and other objects intended to keep the occupants safe. The specifics vary almost from case to case, so be sure you know which ones are expected to work best for the ghost you summon.

Join hands with all of the other participants. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth while you clear your mind and make it open to contact from the spirit world.

Entreat the ghost to manifest, using polite but earnest terms to summon it. It is best if a psychic or medium (someone comfortable with spirits) does this. If formal religious incantations are involved, they should be spoken at this time as well, accompanied by any ceremonial gestures which they require.
  • Repeat the entreaty until the ghost makes its presence known.STEP 8Be courteous and polite at all times. The spirit may manifest by knocking on the table, it may possess the body of a participant, or it may just appear as a shared feeling or sense that it is present. If it seems friendly, you may converse with it and ask questions if you like.

    STEP 9Thank the ghost for its attention and dismiss it courteously when the summoning is complete. Make sure that it is gone before breaking the circle and removing any protective items--the last thing you want is a cranky ghost hanging around.

    Note : You will probably need
  • Personal items of the ghost
  • Chalk
  • Crucifixes
  • Spirit wards
  • Ouija boards
  • Dowsing rods
  • Tarot cards

  • Logic_Chair
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    Anonymous leave them alone!!!!!! 2 Yesterday, 4:19 AM EDT by SupBigNose
    Thread started: Monday, 6:58 PM EDT  Watch
    well i wouldnt mess with a ghost if i dont have to. ghost are real and i dont want to take any chances on them staying with me... so imma just leave that alone unless gods calls me to do it..
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    Anonymous what are you on 0 May 4 2011, 2:04 AM EDT by Anonymous
    Thread started: May 4 2011, 2:04 AM EDT  Watch
    please tell me it needs to be banned
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    Anonymous anything else? 1 May 3 2011, 5:10 AM EDT by emo_owl
    Thread started: Apr 21 2011, 6:51 PM EDT  Watch
    Is there any thing else you can tell me about summoning a ghost, without dying, please?
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