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Dec 18 2006, 4:48 AM EST (current) ashishm9 1 image added
Dec 17 2006, 7:28 AM EST ashishm9 107 words added


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Ancient Assyrian stone relief of a genie.Known as "genies" in English, jinn (singular form jinni) have deep roots in Arab culture. They are half human, half supernatural. They can do good or evil. Often jinn take naughty pleasure in punishing people for wronging them, even unintentionally.

Jinn are generally believed responsible for illness and mishaps. Jinn can appear as humans, animals (especially ostriches), and objects such as trees or rocks. In particular, jinn love old lamps. When someone rubs the lamp three times, the jinni inside will appear and grant three wishes. The jinn achieved international fame when they appeared throughout the tales Scheherezade told in The Thousand and One Nights.