Version User Scope of changes
Apr 13 2009, 6:22 PM EDT ashishm9 1 word added, 1 word deleted
Feb 4 2009, 8:16 AM EST Ravenite 28 words deleted, 1 widget added, 2 widgets deleted


Key:  Additions   Deletions

Welcome to the Mythical Creatures Guide!

Welcome to the ultimate user-generated encyclopedia of mythical creatures and beasts. Know more about mythical sea serpents, magical mythical creatures and their mysteries. Learn more about mythical dragons and magical beings. Discover the power of folklores, mythical legends, cryptids and stories behind the beasts.

Special thanks to Max (Ashish Makati) who originally created this site.

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News Story

Mythical Giant Turtle Found in Vietnam
Mythical creatures on display at Field Museum
Is this a real unicorn caught on video?

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With the Christmas Season drawing ever so near, it would only be fitting to get into the Christmas Spirit.

Well with the thanks of AVMidian and Cinderfeather, they have surely pushed us into the right direction.

AVMidian has recently put up a complete page with the History and OrigionOrigin of Christmas and Santa Claus in the Legends and Lore Section. For all those interested click HERE to check it out now.

Cinderfeather has also made a wonderful contribution by giving us a special rendition of the 12 Days Of Christmas - with added Mystical Creatures.

On the 12th day of Christmas,a herald sent to me,
Twelve dragons soaring
Eleven phookas prancing
Ten lungs a-slinking
Nine lygers roaring
Eight merrows swimming
Seven sirens singing
Six griffons gliding
Fiiiiiive gi-ant rocs
Four cynogriffons
Three firebirds
Two thunderbrids
And a phoenix in a palm tree!

Make sure to thanks these two for their contributions as they very well deserve it!


List of all Mythical Creatures

Pictures of all Mythical Creatures

Stories and Fiction
The Graveyard

Sea Creatures

Creatures of Cryptozoology

Bigfoot - Patterson image

Biblical Creatures and Beings

Ancient Bible

Creatures of Greek Mythology

Lost city of Atlantis

Creatures of Norse Mythology

World Tree


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Mythical Creatures Quiz

Mythical Creatures Guide is an online guide about mythical creatures, beasts, magical and mythical monsters, dragons from legends, folklore, fantasy, mythology and cryptozoology. We've got information on banshees and bigfoot, zombies and vampires and everything in between!
View all creature photos on the Pictures of Mythical Creatures page or sort out your reading by looking on to our List of Mythical creatures page.