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Discussion: is it posible?
AnDrEw.N |
is it posible?
May 15 2008, 3:03 AM EDT i have this spirit in my head he takes control of my body and i get all angry and hurt people i care about is this posible? also is it posible to DIE in your dreams? 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
Ravenite |
RE: is it posible?
May 15 2008, 3:38 AM EDT I don't think that's a spirit affecting you, but a clinical condition. As for dieing in your dreams, yes it can happen. One can suffer from tremendous shock to the body that the dream can have consequential effects. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
AnDrEw.N |
RE: is it posible?
May 16 2008, 2:07 AM EDT whats a clinical condition? are you teasing my mental health? 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Ravenite |
RE: is it posible?
May 16 2008, 4:58 AM EDT Something like maybe being bi-polar or agitation issues? Don't get me wrong, I could be way off the mark. And no, believe me I wouldn't want to tease or insult. I go though it that myself because I have my own conditions to deal with (and I know how it feels) 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Xenomorphine Xenomorphine |
RE: is it posible?
May 16 2008, 6:22 PM EDT A spiritual entity would not physically be residing in your head. If it did that, it woudl be possessing you all the time and you would not even have any memory of it. You may or may not be particularly sensitive, in a psychic way, of course: 'Feeling' very strong emotions left behind in a certain room. But if that were the case, you should also be experiencing empathy with sadness, love, happiness and a whole range of other emotions, depending upon where you are. Your first and foremost course of action, however, would be to go to a doctor's and tell them of the symptoms, to get medication prescribed for your condition. If you're feeling rage all the time, that isn't good and if you're hurting people you care for, I dread to think of what could result if you don't get some assistance. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Anonymous |
RE: is it posible?
Sunday, 11:18 PM EDT AnDrEw.N, Yes a dream you can die, but not neccessarily the real you, but it has happened before. If you're hearing voices-& IF it's a physical/mental problem-a medical professional would have to diagnose you, but the symptoms sound like schitzophrenia (hearing voices) compounded with ineffective anger managment. Let's say you were what is called temporarily possessed/influenced by an entity, I would say excorcise it. (When you were alone, I'd surround my property w/ blessed salt, leaving a small opening, inside I would drink or eat an excorcismal herb tea (sage or clove, unless you're allergic to it.) Then I would burn frankensence & sage incense/reading whatever religious scripture I found appropriate. Pictureing the smoke fumigating the entity from my body-home-out the front door-out the hole in the salt circle-I'd close off the circle & command the entity to a peaceful existance whence it came, harming none on it's way. Then I'd learn new anger management coping skills. Love, grace & peace, Kitsunegari Bush is reading, use big words. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Anonymous |
RE: is it posible?
Sunday, 11:34 PM EDT "A spiritual entity would not physically be residing in your head. If it did that, it woudl be possessing you all the time and you would not even have any memory of it."Xenomorphine, I respectfully disagree. it depends on the (strengths) of the individual & the entity(s)- and it's purpose. Many Mambo's, Bokors, Lay People-Ridden by the Loa, Shamen & Curanderra's, Mystics-of any Religion (even Christians) have been temporarily possessed. (though Christians would call it touched by the Holy Spirit.) Some individuals are sensetive to the gift/& some entities can body jump. One wouldn't necessarily be spouting pea-soup just because they were temporarily possessed-the anger the entity feels might be because of something it feels was done to it, or feels has occured to the it's host. It's not neccesarily malevolent-it could be an ancestor..though it's filling Host with anger-I'd suggest automatic writing, a rune or tarot card reading, or some other way of communicating with it, to see what it wants. Not a seance though, because those are for spirits that aren't already present, and this one seems here already. Maybe it's just stuck and needs to move on? There are a LOT of 'if' factors here, that veer into the Armchair ESP/PSI Paranomral Dabbler Theories where one would have to do a lot of trial and error &that would be up to the OQ. Love, Grace & Peace, Kitsunegari 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |