I joined this wiki because: The best tales are found in mythology! And, um, I love tales...
The best word to describe me is: Closet dreamer Interests: Stories, movies, books, supernatural, magic.
Favorite movies: Whichever has the best storyline..
Favorite TV shows:The unnatural ones..
My hero(es): .... not many My superpower is: Vision. I see and know things. If I could live anywhere, it would be: In the past. Maybe in the 17-1800's. As a marinesoldier. My dream job(s): Living of my writing. What else you should know about me:
I have a blog. Check it out at http://auroraapril.blogg.no/ and leave a comment on it if you want me to start writing in english;)
SAY HELLO! Leave me a comment below, or send me a private message or compliment!