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Version | User | Scope of changes |
Jun 7 2013, 1:11 PM EDT (current) | Pelagios | 11 photos added, 11 photos deleted |
Jun 7 2013, 12:25 PM EDT | Pelagios | 1 word added, 1 word deleted, 3 photos added, 3 photos deleted |
Centaur -a half-man half-horse creature. Claimed to have inhabited the mountains of Thessaly. | |
Cyclops - the one eyed giant. | |
Harpy -winged death spirits, well-known for stealing foods from Greek King Phineas | |
Lamia -a Greek mythological female demon. Half-woman and half-serpent, she was described as a child-devouring murderer. | |
Medusa - Gorgon with snakes of hair. Gazing upon her eyes, onlookers would turn to stone. | |
Nymph -beautiful deities of nature. They are claimed to dwell in mountain groves, springs and rivers. | |
Minotaur -half-man half bull. Dwelling at the center of the Labyrinth located in Crete, Greece. | |
Pegasus -mighty winged horse that sprang from Medusa's head when she was beheaded by Perseus. | |
Satyrs -hoofed demigods of woods and fields. Associated with strong sex drives and nymphs are often their target. | |
Siren -deities who lured sailors to destruction with their melodic songs. | |
Hydra - a serpent beast/ dragon with nine or more heads. In the Greek mythology, these creature can only be defeated by cutting it's head and burning it's neck. Known to have a very venomous blood and breath. |