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A concept by "ABJW"...
Lazardios is a dangerous but rare humanoid. There can have red, green, black, white or a sandy colouredcolored scales and tend have Red,red, blue or green eyes. AndTheir height can varies from 6 footfeet to 13 foot.feet. They're Theybelieved to live in underground dens in deserts. With the habitat,habitat they are, Theythey can live for days without waterwater. Similarly, Lazardios evencan whenstay bornhungry and weeksthirsty withoutfor foodweeks at birtha time too.starting (Alsoat babybirth. LazardiosThese arecreatures 1are footknown to 2be footvolatile and 6 inches. If you ever see one of this raceit's ofrecommended creature,to DON'Tnot getcome intowithin their field of detection, or you willdetection. getA killedLazardios's by the Lazardios.lifespan Lazardioscan lifespanreach areas 0high toas 98 years (Onon Average.)average. Their scales are genetically made in a way that moisture from their cold-blooded body doesn't come out. Too their scales are hard enough to be invulnerable to punches, kicks (well basically any attacks done by humanIt naturalis abilities.)Importantbelieved HintsEncounterthat a Lazardios, try to escapeLazardios's (even though that Lazardiosscales can reach the speed of 40 mph.) or if you got skills like Eziowithstand Auditore di Firenze from Assassin Creed 2, Brotherhood and Revelations.ever Fighthumanly theattack Lazardios.possible.
If amushed by them, try and do sprinting at one and roll over their back then run (I recommend Sprint) on off to escape them.