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Jun 18 2008, 12:49 PM EDT (current) Green-Arrow 20 words added, 31 words deleted, 1 photo added, 1 photo deleted
Jun 18 2008, 12:46 PM EDT Green-Arrow


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Mythical Creatures Quiz

Question IXIII

In GreekThe mythology,Penanggalan, whichMandurugo, guestsand gotJiang violentlyShi drunkare atall theAsian weddingvariations of Pirithous and Hippodamia, and turned thewhat celebratoryclassically feastEuropean intomythical a bloodbath?creature?

A) The NymphsGargoyle

B) The HarpiesGnome

C) The CentaursVampire

D) The SatyrsZombie