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Jun 17 2008, 2:56 PM EDT (current) Green-Arrow 32 words added, 37 words deleted, 1 photo added, 1 photo deleted
Jun 17 2008, 2:54 PM EDT Green-Arrow


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Mythical Creatures Quiz


UnaccustomedNo toone theknows effectsfor ofsure wine,how the half-man/half-horse cousinsworld’s of theoldest Lapithaeand turnedmost violentwidespread duringmythical thecreature celebrationfirst andentered triedthe tohuman carryimagination, offbut the bridedragon’s and other femaleresemblance weddingto guests,prehistoric leading“terrible tolizards” aseems nastytoo battleclose knownto asbe thepure Centauromachy.coincidence.

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