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Version | User | Scope of changes |
Jun 18 2008, 7:50 AM EDT (current) | Green-Arrow | 23 words added, 32 words deleted, 1 photo added, 1 photo deleted |
Jun 18 2008, 7:46 AM EDT | Green-Arrow |
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Question IVII
InBoth GreekSuperman mythology, which guests got violently drunkand atThe theIncredible weddingHulk ofhave Pirithousbeen andlikened Hippodamia,to andmodern-day turnedversions theof celebratorywhat feastcreature intofrom aJewish bloodbath?folklore? |
A) The NymphsGolem
B) The HarpiesDybbuk
C) The CentaursLeviathan
D) The SatyrsAbbadon