Jul 7 2011, 1:27 PM EDT
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5 words added
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Change: precursersprecursors to the end of mankind. The first Horseman is knowknown as ConquerorPestilence who is responsible for death by disease and rebellions; riding a white horse. The second is known
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(Word count: 122)
May 29 2011, 12:49 PM EDT
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1 image added
1 image deleted
Change: There were only format changes (bold, italics, etc.) in this version. See this version for details.
(Word count: 122)
May 29 2011, 12:47 PM EDT
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1 image added
Change: There were only format changes (bold, italics, etc.) in this version. See this version for details.
(Word count: 122)
May 28 2011, 7:58 PM EDT
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2 words added
2 words deleted
Change: Conqueror,Conqueror who is responsible for death by disease and rebellions; riding a white horse. The second is known as War or the one that makes people kill one another and rides a red horse. The third is Famine,Famine who not only destorys the
View changes from previous version.
(Word count: 122)
May 9 2011, 9:53 AM EDT
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No content added or deleted. |
Change: Moved by May 9 2011, 9:53 AM EDT
May 9 2011, 9:53 AM EDT
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30 words added
34 words deleted
Change: The Four Horsemen of fourthe horsesApocalypse are told of in the bibleBible as the one to leadprecursers to the end of mankind. The first horseHorseman is know in the bible as conqueror,Conqueror, who is responsible for the death by diseases, rebelionsdisease ext. and
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(Word count: 122)
May 9 2011, 9:29 AM EDT
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No content added or deleted. |
Change: Renamed from the four horses by May 9 2011, 9:29 AM EDT for: Emphasis on Horse'men'
Apr 7 2011, 2:27 PM EDT
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5 words added
2 words deleted
Change: rebelions ext. and rides a white horse. The second is known as war or the one that makes people kill one another and rides a red
View changes from previous version.
(Word count: 127)
Jan 15 2011, 4:46 PM EST
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81 words added
28 words deleted
Change: famine,who not only destory the crops and food but the hungry for more than food and rides a black horse. the forthfouth is famine.death, youalso canknown findas morethe deppergrim inforeaper, bywho is catastrafy and rides a
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(Word count: 124)
Dec 17 2010, 1:05 PM EST
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70 words added
Change: the four horses are told in the bible as the one to sort out the belivers of god. the first horse is know in the
View changes from previous version.
(Word count: 70)
Dec 17 2010, 12:52 PM EST
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No content added or deleted. |
Change: Created by Dec 17 2010, 12:52 PM EST for: no reason given