Were cats are similar to werewolves. They can be only be born. The adults can shift of their own free will, but young ones cannot control it, and will shift almost every full moon until adulthood. The most common werecat breeds are domestics, although they used to be whatever wild feline lived in the area. They generally are good natured, highly inteligent creatures, but they can be corrupt, like anyone else. In earlier times, when all werecats shifted to wild breeds, they often hunted human beings, sometimes even killing relatives or other loved ones. Back then, not even adults could control their feline side. Young ones, refered to as kittens or kits, cannot control what they hunt, even now. Nowadays, however, with many of them being much more dometicated breeds, the death toll has been reduced to nearly zero.
Werecats are not as rare as most people would think, this stemming from their now domestic breeds. The more aggressive, wild feline breeds can still be found, but only in more rural areas. This being said, there are werecats of almost every known breed of feline.