Link to Website Over Pentagrams/Pentacles
The website I spoke of that talks about the Pentagrams -- I forgot to link it in my first comment. http://whisperingworlds.com/wiccan/wiccan_pentagram.php
Mar 5 2013, 6:20 AM EST by Anonymous
One Last Thing
Also, the Book of Shadows is not necessarily like the Bible etc., EVERY Wiccan usually has their own Book of Shadows and it is a collection of spells you deem necessary to save, or you can keep your findings within the book, make it similar to a diary keeping recollections of your rituals and time spent with the craft, that is if you happen to be a Wiccan witch that is, NOT ALL WICCANS have to be into witchcraft, witchcraft is a way of practicing a religion, and can be used for any religion technically. Wiccans tend to use it the most however. Other reasons for a Book of Shadows could be to write down your own prayers, ritual guidelines, sacred recipes used on Sabbats, etc. Anything, really, goes to keep in your Book of Shadows. Think of it like a folder for everything you do within your spiritual studies.
However, some people that lit the way for Wicca to be taken more seriously and not be punishable in public decided to publish their Book of Shadows to be able to aid fellow Wiccans or future Wiccans into learning how to do the craft, what it means, the ways of Wicca, etc. Gerald Gardner and Scott Cunningham both have published their book of shadows to aid others.
Also, the Threefold Law is not necessarily needed to be followed. Again, Wicca is a very open belief system that can be altered depending on what the specific person deems necessary to their lives. However, most Wiccans do believe in the Threefold Law as it means whatever you put into life you get back three times as hard, so negative things will harm you eventually (which is why most Wiccans stray from casting hexes or negative spells in ritual, it usually doesn't work out well for them.)
Brightest Blessings!
Mar 5 2013, 6:19 AM EST by Anonymous
Decent, But Missing A Lot Of Points
Hi there! I stumbled upon your webpage and couldn't help but notice my own path of faith was listed on the left side. Of course, curious to see what people were saying about my belief system, I read what you had to say. Overall, you are on the right "path" ...kind of... but a bit misguided. You could easily get the correct information by googling some research on Wicca rather than pulling from your own hat, but I'll outline what things are a little off:
First, here is a website that gives much more detailing on the Pentacle/gram upright VS. the Pentagram upside down. The Pentacle is simply a Pentagram with a circle around it, and the Pentagram is simply the upright 5 points star without a circle encasing it. The upside down pentagram is actually NOT 'evil' except viewed by some people's personal beliefs, but a symbol adopted by Satanist to represent Baphomet, the goat god. Satanism is far from "evil", but I'll let you research that on your own.
Wiccans believe in the Lord and the Lady -- the "Horned God" is often referring to Cernunnos, a Celtic god, and there are multiple "moon goddesses" in different pantheons. The Lord and Lady are essentially the masculine and feminine entities -- a symbol of balance, and the "Lord" and "Lady" slots can be filled with any specific deity the individual Wiccan or coven chooses. However, the belief is that ALL masculine and feminine gods/goddesses are all collectively the "Lord" and the "Lady"
Our 8 holidays are the Sabbats. Sabbats are split into 4 and 4 ... Minor and Major Sabbats: Samhain (Major, feminine, Oct 31), Yule(Minor, masculine, Dec 21), Imbolc(Major, feminine, Feb 2), Ostara(Minor, masculine, Mar 21), Beltane(major, feminine,Apr 30), Litha(minor, masculine Jun 21), Lughnasadh(major, feminine, aug 2), and Mabon(minor, masculine, sep 21).
Mar 5 2013, 6:11 AM EST by Anonymous
i must say, for someone who has no real clue that is a surprisingly correct and neutral definition of wiccans, a nice change to tons of thoughtless prejudice on the net....btw, the reason we use seemingly the same holidays is because absolutely all christian holidays were placed on/around the old, heathen holidays we celebrate. for example: christmas- 24.12. / winter equinox: 21.12, or halloween = samhain
Feb 20 2013, 5:03 AM EST by Anonymous
Wicca 1921-Present is a modern pagan religion focused around Witchcraft. Developed in Englandduring the first half of the 20th century,it draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan religious motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice
Last updated:
Jun 4 2013, 7:53 PM EDT by