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![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:03 PM EDT
"Wow...and this is only the A's and beginning of B's? You have a lot of information! "ofcourse I do. Its me we are talking about. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:05 PM EDT
"We'll help freedragon but you'd better not just put in the wikipedia information under these entries, that would be redundant."*rises one eye brow* wikipedia? you think I will only check wikipedia? I will make sure to check many resourses so don't fret just help. please. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:08 PM EDT
| Post edited: Aug 16 2009, 7:25 AM EDT
Now were was I? Oh yes the B's....Lets see .....what else.....oh right these are next:Barbegazi (Swiss) - Dwarf with giant, snowshoe-like feet Bardi (Trabzon) - Shapechanging death spirit Barghest - Yorkshire black dog Bar Juchne (Jewish) - Gigantic bird Barnacle Geese (Medieval folklore) - Geese which hatch from barnacles Barong (Balinese) - Tutelary spirit Basajaun (Basque) - Ancestral, megalith-building race BasCelik (Serbian) - A powerful and very evil winged man whose soul is not held by his body and can be subdued only by causing him to suffer dehydration Basilisco Chilote (Chilota) - Chicken-serpent hybrid Basilisk (Medieval Bestiaries) - Multi-limbed, venomous lizard Batibat (Philippine) - Female night-demon Batsu (Chinese) - Drought spirit Bai Ze (Chinese) - Talking beast which handed down knowledge on harmful spirits Ba Jiao Gui (Chinese) - Banana tree spirit Bake-kujira (Japanese) - Ghost whale Bakeneko (Japanese) - Magical cat Bakezōri (Japanese) - Animated straw sandal Bakhtak (Iranian) - Night demon Baku (Japanese) - Dream-devouring, tapir-like creature Bakunawa (Philippine) - Sea serpent that causes eclipses Balaur (Romanian) - Multi-headed dragon Bannik (Slavic) - Bathhouse spirit Banshee (Irish) - Death spirit Bestial beast (Brazilian) - some kind of centauroid specter Baubas (Lithuanian) - Malevolent spirit Baykok (Ojibwa) - Flying skeleton Bean Nighe (Irish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe) Behemoth (Jewish) - Primal, gigantic land animal Bendigeidfran (Welsh) - Giant king Berehynia (Slavic) - Water spirit Bergrisar/ Bergsrå (Norse) - Mountain giant Bennu (Egyptian) - Heron-like, regenerative bird, equivalent 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:10 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jul 25 2009, 5:13 PM EDT
B's part 2Betobeto-san (Japanese) - Invisible spirit which follows people at night, making the sound of footsteps Bhūta (Buddhist and Hindu) - Ghost of someone killed by execution or suicide Bi-blouk (Khoikhoi) - Female, anthropophagous, partially invisible monster Bies (Slavic) - Demon Bigfoot (American folklore) - Forest-dwelling apeman. Binbōgami (Japanese) - Spirit of poverty Bishop-fish (Medieval Bestiaries) - Fish-like humanoid Black Annis (English) - Blue-faced hag Black Dog (British) - Canine death spirit Black Shuck - Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk black dog Blemmyae (Medieval Bestiary) - Headless humanoid with face in torso Bloody Bones (Irish) - Water bogeyman Bluecap (English) - Mine-dwelling fairy Bodach (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit Bogeyman (English) - Malevolent spirit Boggart (English) - Malevolent household spirit Boginki (Polish) - Nature spirit Bogle (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit Boi-tatá (Brazilian) - Giant snake Bolla (Albanian) - Man eating Dragon Bonnacon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Bull-horse hybrid with flaming dung Boobrie (Scottish) - Roaring water bird Bozaloshtsh (Slavic) - Death spirit Brag (English) - Malevolent water horse Brownie (English and Scottish) - Benevolent household spirit Broxa (Jewish) - Nocturnal bird that drains goats of their milk Bokkenrijders (Dutch) - Damned bandits Bugbear (English) - Bearlike goblin Buggane (Manx) - Ogre-like humanoid Bugul Noz (Celtic) - supposed to be extremely ugly, but a kind, forest spirit Bukavac (Serbia) - A six-legged lake monster Bukit Timah Monkey Man (Singapore) - Forest dwelling immortal primate 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:15 PM EDT
B's part 3 this is the end of the b'sBunyip (Australian Aboriginal) - Horse-walrus hybrid lake monster Buraq (Islamic) - Human-headed, angelic horse Bush Dai Dai (Guyanese) - Spirit that seduces and kills men Byangoma (Hindu) - Fortune-telling birds Bysen (Scandinavian) - Diminutive forest spirit And now I shall show you a glimps of the B's....Observe! Cabeiri (Greek) - Smith and wine spirits Cacus (Roman) - Fire-breathing giant Cadejo (Central America) - Cow-sized dog-goat hybrid in two varieties: benevolent and white, and malevolent and black Caipora (Tupi) - Fox-human hybrid and nature spirit Caladrius (Medieval Bestiary) - White bird that can foretell if a sick person will recover or die 2 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:38 PM EDT
Lets continue with the C's!Calingi (Medieval Bestiary) - Humanoids with an eight-year lifespan Callitrix (Medieval Bestiary) - Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates Calydonian Boar (Greek) - Giant, chthonic boar Calygreyhound (Heraldic) - Wildcat-deer/antelope-eagle-ox-lion hybrid Camahueto (Chilota) - One-horned calf Cambion (Medieval folklore) - Hybrid between a human and an incubus or succubus Campe (Greek) - Dragon-human-scorpion hybrid Candileja (Colombian) - Spectral, fiery hag Canaima (Guyanese) - Were-jaguar Canotila (Lakota) - Little people and tree spirits Caoineag (Scottish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe) Capa (Lakota) - Beaver spirit Căpcăun (Romanian) - Large, monstrous humanoid Carbuncle (Latin America) - A small creature with a jewel on its head Catoblepas (Medieval Bestiary) - Scaled buffalo-hog hybrid Cat Sidhe (Scottish) - Fairy cat Cecaelia - Modern term for mermaid-like, human-octopus hybrid Ceffyl Dŵr (Welsh) - Malevolent water horse Centaur (Greek) - Human-horse hybrid Cerastes (Greek) - Extremely flexible, horned snake Cerberus (Greek) - Three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld Cercopes (Greek) - Mischievous forest spirit Cericopithicus (Medieval Bestiary) - Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates Ceryneian Hind (Greek) - Hind with golden antlers and bronze or brass hooves Cetan (Lakota) - Hawk spirit Chakora (Hindu) - Lunar bird Chamrosh (Persian) - Dog-bird hybrid 4 out of 5 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 25 2009, 5:39 PM EDT
By the way:Some one please tell me how to make a new page so I can add this creatures to the list and make pages for each of them. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Dous777 |
Jul 26 2009, 2:42 AM EDT
Are you sure you're ready for the secret freedragon? >.>Okay, but listen, on, the, 'Add a New Page' button at the bottom of the box full of the list of stuff on the website. If you haven't seen it before you may not have been logged in. If you don't know how to move pages yet then make sure you are on a page you want your new page under so it will do it automatically. I think I'll join you putting in a few of these. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 26 2009, 7:17 PM EDT
lets see now...were was I? Oh yes:Chaneque (Aztec) - Little people and nature spirits Changeling (European) - Non-human humanoid child (fairy, elf, troll, etc.) substituted for a kidnapped human child Charybdis (Greek) - Sea monster in the form of a giant mouth Chepi (Narragansett) - Ancestral spirit that instructs tribe members Cherufe (Mapuche) - Volcano-dwelling monster Chibaiskweda (Abenaki) - Ghost of an improperly buried person Chichevache (Medieval folklore) - Human-faced cow that feeds on good women Chickcharney (Bahaman) - Bird-mammal hybrid Chimaera (Greek) - Lion-goat-snake hybrid Chindi (Navajo) - Vengeful ghosts that cause dust devils Chinthe (Burmese) - Temple-guarding feline, similar to Chinese Shi and Japanese Shisa Chitauli (Zulu) - Human-lizard hybrid Chōchinobake (Japanese) - Animated paper lantern Chollima (Korean) - Supernaturally fast horse Chonchon (Mapuche) - Disembodied, flying head Choorile (Guyanese) - Ghost of a woman that died in childbirth Chromandi (Medieval Bestiary) - Hairy savages with dog teeth Chrysaor (Greek) - Son of the gorgon Medusa, imaged as a giant or a winged boar Chukwa (Hindu) - Giant turtle that supports the world Churel (Hindu) - Vampiric, female ghost Ciguapa (Dominican Republic) - Malevolent seductress Cihuateteo (Aztec) - Ghosts of women that died in childbirth Cikavac (Serbian) - Bird that serves its owner Cinnamon bird (Medieval Bestiaries) - Giant bird that makes its nest out of cinnamon Cipactli (Aztec) - Sea monster, crocodile-fish hybrid Cirein cròin (Scottish) - Sea serpent Cluricaun (Irish) - Leprechaun-like Little people that are permanently drunk Coblynau (Welsh) - Little people and mine spirits Cockatrice (Medieval Bestiaries) - Chicken-lizard hybrid Cofgod (English) - Old English term meaning "cove-god" 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 26 2009, 7:21 PM EDT
"Are you sure you're ready for the secret freedragon? >.>I cant find the add page button. more details please. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Dous777 |
Jul 26 2009, 11:34 PM EDT
At the bottom of the box on the left hand side of the screen.
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![]() freedragon10022 |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 27 2009, 2:51 PM EDT
never mind I FIGURED IT OUT! YAY! I aded hell hound already.
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![]() freedragon10022 |
Jul 27 2009, 3:03 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jul 27 2009, 3:05 PM EDT
Now Let us continue the LIST!Colo Colo (Mapuche) - Rat-bird hybrid that can shapeshift into a serpent Corycian nymphs (Greek) - Nymph of the Corycian Cave Cretan Bull (Greek) - Monstrous bull Crinaeae (Greek) - Fountain nymph Criosphinx (Ancient Egypt) - Ram-headed sphinx Crocotta (Medieval Bestiaries) - Monstrous dog-wolf Cuco (Latin America) - Bogeyman Cucuy (Latin America) - Malevolent spirit Cuegle (Cantabrian) - Monstrous, three-armed humanoid Cuélebre (Asturian and Cantabrian) - Dragon that lives in a cave, guards treasures and keeps xanas as prisoners. Although they are immortal, they grow old as the time goes by and their scales become thick and impenetrable, and flag wings grow in their bodies....Im not sure if its evil though..... Curupira (Tupi) - Nature spirit Cu Sith (Scottish) - Gigantic fairy dog Cŵn Annwn (Welsh) - Underworld hunting dogs Cyclops (Greek) - One-eyed giants Cyhyraeth (Welsh) - Death spirit Cynocephalus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dog-headed humanoid end of C's. Start of D's Dactyl (Greek) - Little people and smith and healing spirits Daemon (Greek) - Incorporeal spirit Daidarabotchi (Japanese) - A Giant responsible for creating many geographical features in Japan....what a job hey? Daitengu (Japanese) - The most powerful class of tengu, each of whom lives on a separate mountain Daitya (Hindu) - Giant 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
Mystic-Apotamkin |
Jul 28 2009, 12:11 AM EDT
Wow... you've blown me away D...
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![]() Dous777 |
Mystic-Apotamkin |
Jul 28 2009, 1:09 AM EDT
I knew we kept him around for something... :P
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![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 1 2009, 12:34 PM EDT
nice. I feel slightly offended now.
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stonepony83 |
Aug 1 2009, 12:43 PM EDT
Awe, but you know we love you Dragon.
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![]() Dous777 |
Aug 1 2009, 2:22 PM EDT
I've apparently been told I'm in line to be your successor freedragon so >.>
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