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Ghost haunting
Feb 14 2010, 9:15 AM EST
When I was like 5 or 6, something like that age I expirenced a ghost haunting. It was a stormy Saturday night at 12:00 AM and everybody was sleeping, everybody except me. I was sitting in my room reading a book when all of the sudden the light was flickering on and off I didn't know what to do but go hide in my closet. As I shut the door I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was like Jack Frost was in the closet with me. I was so scared I ran into the bathroom and hid by the toilet. I started to cry and I was freaking out, I know this is long but I need your time so I can explain it. Here are some ways to protect yourself, 1. Get garlic powder sprinkle it around you house inside and out 2. Glue smashed garlic to paper and hang it on your door. The reason there is a lot of garlic is because ghosts and ghouls hate garlic. Thank you for your time. -Iron Warrior-
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2. RE: Ghost haunting
Mar 6 2010, 8:11 AM EST
WOW i know ur lying its OBVIOUS *****
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3. RE: Ghost haunting
Mar 6 2010, 8:11 AM EST
its fake though duh
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4. RE: Ghost haunting
Jul 2 2010, 1:10 PM EDT
" When I was like 5 or 6, something like that age I expirenced a ghost haunting. It was a stormy Saturday night at 12:00 AM and everybody was sleeping, everybody except me. I was sitting in my room reading a book when all of the sudden the light was flickering on and off I didn't know what to do but go hide in my closet. As I shut the door I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was like Jack Frost was in the closet with me. I was so scared I ran into the bathroom and hid by the toilet. I started to cry and I was freaking out, I know this is long but I need your time so I can explain it. Here are some ways to protect yourself, 1. Get garlic powder sprinkle it around you house inside and out 2. Glue smashed garlic to paper and hang it on your door. The reason there is a lot of garlic is because ghosts and ghouls hate garlic. Thank you for your time. -Iron Warrior-"scar stuff (cool) 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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5. RE: Ghost haunting
Jul 3 2010, 6:31 AM EDT
"when all of the sudden the light was flickering on and off "Even though this is fake there is a explanation for it, a stormy night. thunder must of hit one of the electrical lines and made the lights flick, its happened to me, nothing special 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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6. RE: Ghost haunting
Aug 22 2010, 4:16 AM EDT
dude same thing happened to me it was storming but not lightning and the lights flikered on and off several times , and i was watching tv and heard whispers i turned the tv off to make sure it wasn't the tv scaring the crap out of me but it wasn't i heard whispers again but this time riht beside me it was 2:00 in the morning i didn't see anything soooo it was weird
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poger75 |
7. RE: Ghost haunting
Aug 23 2010, 4:53 PM EDT
Thunder can't hit things, It is the sound of two or more clouds crashing into each other. Lightning on the other hand can. if it did hit the power line, then you would be shocked and most likely die.
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8. RE: Ghost haunting
Nov 1 2011, 12:04 PM EDT
these storys are 100% true so dont write nasty all started when my parents bott the ceder inn hotel. i know it was a bad idea from the start. and when we got there there were 2 paintings of girls from the 1700's on the wall, and they both looked just like me. i thought it was cool at first , i was 4. i thought running into walls were cool. but then as i got older i realized how creepy it realy was. then in 2005 i was 7 and my best friend was at the house part of the hotel hanging out with me. then all of the sudden she started chokeing like someone was strangleing her and her throught was red. then i got her up the stairs and she was allright. we knew what was there . then 2 or 3 years later after meny ather expirences, my mother told of a strage incounter a costamer had. he had waken up to see a women dressed in 17th century clothing stareing at him and she turned and walked away. that night he had asked my mother if the hotel was made on a cematary or something. and i meen come on how was she supposed to know! and my mother confesed to hereing tv's on in rooms and finding nothing on and no one in side. then in 2010 agen ofter many more expirences, my parents gave the hotel back to the bank and went back to the home we had still ouned.i thought it would be the end of the ghosts, but i gess it was just the begining. amber and i were stupid and made a uije bord. we used it. and she got possest. she had gotten possesed in the past butthen it was violent .but this time it was at home. and by a much gentaler spirit. it was a girl spirit. she rote insted of useing the uije bord cause she got flusterd that i coudent ceep up. it was defenently not ambers penmen ship for 1 it was neet and for 2 she used the oposit hand . she cept writeing he brott us here. i asked who "us" was and got no reply. after that there were more and more little things. like dorrs opening and closeing wehn locked, or wispers when alone and everythings off. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |