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Satyrs and Fauns?
Mar 18 2010, 4:23 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 18 2010, 4:23 PM EDT
Are fauns even real? If so what is the difference? 9  out of 19 found this valuable. Do you?    
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1. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Mar 21 2010, 4:45 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 21 2010, 4:45 AM EDT
If you mean real-real, then its doubtful. If you mean mythologically-real, then of course.

There are generally two competing theories about the differences between satyrs and fauns:
1) The faun has goats feet whilst a satyr has human feet.
2) (The one I'd back) The faun is a human/deer, the satyr is a human/goat.
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2. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Mar 26 2010, 3:42 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 26 2010, 3:42 PM EDT
that faun on Chronicles of narnia was pretty cool 1  out of 10 found this valuable. Do you?    
3. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Mar 27 2010, 3:23 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 27 2010, 3:23 PM EDT
I liked the faun in Pan's Labyrinth. So different to the usual portrayal. 2  out of 8 found this valuable. Do you?    

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4. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Apr 14 2010, 3:28 PM EDT | Post edited: Apr 14 2010, 3:28 PM EDT
So what do you call the goat and faun versions of centaurs? 1  out of 6 found this valuable. Do you?    
5. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Apr 14 2010, 11:54 PM EDT | Post edited: Apr 14 2010, 11:54 PM EDT
0_0 Centaurs are human/horses. Where have you heard different? 1  out of 3 found this valuable. Do you?    

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6. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Aug 23 2010, 4:20 PM EDT | Post edited: Aug 23 2010, 4:20 PM EDT
Answer 1. gives the basics. Satyrs were from Greek . Some pottery depicts them with human feet. There are references to the deer legs. Fauns are the Roman version and I belief were always described with the lower body of a goat. 9  out of 11 found this valuable. Do you?    

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7. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Nov 24 2010, 4:06 PM EST | Post edited: Nov 24 2010, 4:06 PM EST
"Answer 1. gives the basics. Satyrs were from Greek . Some pottery depicts them with human feet. There are references to the deer legs. Fauns are the Roman version and I belief were always described with the lower body of a goat."
look satyrs orignaly were all human exsep for a hose tail fawns on the other hand had gout legs.
also ther was levonites a mioner deatey with gout legs and blue skin in greek mytongy
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8. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
May 22 2011, 5:35 AM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2011, 5:35 AM EDT
What are you all talkin about!?! NO! The Satyrs and goat man are the same exact thing, but they have different names. The greeks believed in them first, then the Romans started using the Greek Gods and myths. They look like how this described them. Top half was man, bottom was goat. And I'm pretty sure they had the horns. The Satyrs use to steal woman, loved drinking, and were evil. That's not how I like to imagin them though. =^_^= 1  out of 4 found this valuable. Do you?    
9. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
May 22 2011, 6:34 AM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2011, 6:34 AM EDT
I've only heard the term 'Goatman' used in cryptozoology for the Maryland Goatman - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goatman_(Maryland)

Satyrs are usually referred to as just satyrs.
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10. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Oct 24 2011, 4:40 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 24 2011, 4:40 AM EDT
Satyrs are the Greek varient, and Fauns are the Roman varient,
In the Greek varient, they are supposed to be kind, generous and intelligent
In the Roman varient, they are mischeivious, two-faced and greedy
Hope this helps :-)
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11. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Mar 16 2012, 4:31 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 16 2012, 4:31 AM EDT
You've got that a little backward, I think. The Greek conception of satyrs was that they were skirt-chasers and weren't really good for anything but comic relief (a whole genre of play called "satyr plays" revolved around them and their antics, although unfortunately none of these plays have survived). In Rome, fauns were sometimes a source of fear but also sometimes helped travelers. They also weren't generally as lecherous as satyrs. 6  out of 7 found this valuable. Do you?    

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12. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Oct 10 2012, 11:11 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 10 2012, 11:11 AM EDT
How would one keep a satyr/faun away? What are their weaknesses? 0  out of 3 found this valuable. Do you?    

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13. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Dec 15 2012, 9:43 AM EST | Post edited: Dec 15 2012, 9:43 AM EST
i think it really goes like this satyrs are full goats that stand upright hence pan being a satyr and he is not hAlf human and fauns are the half and half ones Do you find this valuable?    

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14. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Dec 19 2012, 11:24 AM EST | Post edited: Dec 19 2012, 11:24 AM EST
Fauns and Satyrs are exactly the same (upper body of a human, lower body of a goat). Faun is the Roman name for this creature whilst Satyr is the Greek 1  out of 2 found this valuable. Do you?    

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15. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Feb 4 2013, 10:46 AM EST | Post edited: Feb 4 2013, 10:46 AM EST
Satyrs are goatmen with human feet. Fauns are goatmen with hooves. Take this from a Latin major. Satyriasis is the male equivalent to the female nymphomania. So a woman might be thought of as a nymph but the guy is considered a satyr if you guys are always horny. Got it? Do you find this valuable?    

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16. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Apr 2 2013, 10:28 PM EDT | Post edited: Apr 2 2013, 10:28 PM EDT
Satyrs prefer classical rock whilst fauns prefer dubstep, also satyrs do NOT like crunchy peanut butter, take my word for it. 2  out of 2 found this valuable. Do you?    

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17. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Apr 29 2013, 7:39 PM EDT | Post edited: Apr 29 2013, 7:39 PM EDT
So fauns are nice and helpful and satyrs are not? In Narnia, C.S. Lewis writes about fauns/fawns and satyrs. I didnt know what a satyr was until one of my students was reading Percy Jackson and she described the satyr just like a faun. In Percy Jackson, you have Grover, the helpful satyr. Do you find this valuable?    
18. RE: Satyrs and Fauns?
Jun 1 2013, 2:06 AM EDT | Post edited: Jun 1 2013, 2:06 AM EDT
"I liked the faun in Pan's Labyrinth. So different to the usual portrayal."
I thought that was a Phooka! O.O
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