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Ebon_Moon |
40. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 11:47 AM EDT
Not too sure, it is so in between that it does not have a name. perhaps we could call it, Scigod. or Gience, perhaps even, well i am not 100% sure.
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Universalstar |
41. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 11:51 AM EDT
... im lost now XD
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42. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 1:49 PM EDT
And here is when I would have to agree. I have always believe in Angels and Demons, and it's not because someone says it's real, it's because the Bible acknowlge them as real. in the book of "Enoch" including the book of the secrets of Enoch (this info is not in the bible, it was remove, now it's pupblish seperate from the bible.) and all can read it. But aside from what I have read , I believe in angels and demons from inside me. all through my life I have had things happen to me , some good, some bad, when ever it was bad, I pray and always was answerd in one way or another. like for instance last year I decided to quit smoking, had to but boy it was truly hard, and everytime I would do it, I would fail, and hate myself for being so weak. till I realize all I had to do was pray to God for help. I believe like thousands of people do, that we all have gardian angels , there to help all who really wants it, they help you once you pray to God, and you mean it...and I did, I stoped, just like that...and believe me I smoke for a long time, but it felt like in my head I was being told how sick I am going to be in the future if I continue to smoke. I never look's only a year now and still could not even dare to smoke, just thinking of smoking disgust me. I know I had the will, but I also had the help to have the will to stop. And I could never smoke again because I appreciate the help given to me. I also believe in demons, we can see it with what goes on around the world of sadness, hunger, killing, ext. I read it in the bible and how the evil is always tempting us to fail any good we try to do. and I read it in books, web, see it in televisions of family being persecuted with paranormal which is what the love to do mess with our heads...and what about those people who never done any wrong and one day out of the blue they kill, and then they regret it and don't know why they even did it...
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43. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 2:10 PM EDT
continueing: but what I was specking was creatures out there who are being seen and not belived, how bigfoot is real, just because YOU did not see it does not mean is not there, so many have seen it, and are affraid to say anything for fear of being laugh at. redicule by friend and family. In India there is a lot of weird things going on, one I read about some kind of humanoid attacking people in their own homes. Africa has huge acient dino birds seen flying over areas hard to get to but yet seen way in the sky. water-based beasts..lockness, and here in our country, people have seen things in their lakes and ocean. in ancient times our ancestors try to tell who ever wanted to know what they saw either scare them or was so amazed that they had to say something. there are thousands of rocks found in Mexico with written info and pictures of man riding a dionsour, the ones who eat green, like it was a horse...I remember seeing that in history channel years ago, but am sure if you look for it in the web, you'll find it. just search through all these countrys and you will see how many people are out there trying to make you see what is going on in our world.
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44. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 2:12 PM EDT
Just by saying what you said is what God want and loves..thank you for your insight..and god bless. Do you find this valuable? |
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45. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 2:13 PM EDT
Yes in I have all kinds of real good books in wishlist..
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Ebon_Moon |
46. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 2:35 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jul 11 2010, 2:58 PM EDT
"Just by saying what you said is what God want and loves..Indeed, i have no objection to you believing in biblical creatures, however you must first understand their origins, the entire bible was born from the Jewish bible, and the idea of a supreme "God" is quite new, in terms of religion, since nearly all of the ancient gods are many, if not legion. I use a lot of biblical creatures for my own writings. Perhaps you should use more than just the bible and a singular other tome, there are many such books which reference "God", indeed some are not in English, but generally English translations are often wrong and certain things are misinterpreted during the translation process. It is worth while to search more than a single text to find other sources with different answers.. If you desire, i can speak with you, without all of these religious blessings and praising, i would much more prefer that, than to watch you waste your blessings, by blessing a forum. I have a we knowledge and in depth lore on Angels and what you would call Demons, as well as many other things, in fact, i know of more than a few people on this site who hold deep knowledge on such matters. How would you define good and evil? Were the Christian crusaders good, as the rode down the Saracens? Were the Saracens good as they fought under the banner of "God" to slay Christians? were they both evil? After all, murder is still murder, regardless of what context you put it in, and murder is said to earn you a one way ticket to oblivion. Mortal priests can not forgive the sins of the heart, such things are beyond the abilities of a man. Three different religions, worship the exactly same "God" in this age, the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians, all worship the same God, forget the variations of his name, it is the same no matter how you look at it, Muslims even believe in Jesus Christ. Do you find this valuable? |
Ebon_Moon |
47. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 11 2010, 2:50 PM EDT
For example, you claim knowledge of demons. Yet i can safely assume that you would list the stereo typical "demons" of which people believe are evil, such as Baal/bale/bhaal, who is in fact a god, not a evil demon, a god, then there is Abbadon, which is never mentioned to be a demon of any kind, the word Abbadon means destruction, and before it was demonized, was an Angel who never fell. Astarte, was a goddess, who was not evil, Beelzebub, is not evil either, it's name is derived from a Semitic deity, also known as Baal. It seems that Christianity just claimed everything that went before it was just a Demon, nothing more, just as the idea of Satan being a bipedal goat, stems from the hatred of many pagan deities and a method of turning old loved gods into monsters. It is, laughable, how much control one book has over the hearts and minds of the masses, a book wrote by the hearts and hands of man, not a creator. Now, i am not going to debate the existence of 'God', your faith is your own. Though to claim deep understanding of "Demons" without knowing first where these so called fiends came from is something we must correct. As explained before, the term demon, is not a term for evil spirits, rather for helpful ones. It is believed that every host of Angel is led by a powerful and dangerous spirit named a Archon, which is a title, once held by Greek magistrates. If you search deeply into your faith, you will come to understand that, on both sides, whether you believe in good and evil or not at all, that good and bad things exist on both sides of the battle line, that God is the source of both and all good and ill things. After all evil can't spring from nowhere, if God created everything, then it must have created both good and evil, angels and demons, heaven and hell, pain, destruction, agonising death, and all of the evils a man can desire, but also the so called good things. Many people accept this.
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48. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 23 2010, 2:22 PM EDT
What if all myths were true?
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Universalstar |
49. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 23 2010, 2:24 PM EDT
that would be awesome, yet it would suck at the same time. the majority of these creatures are malevolent
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![]() Dous777 |
50. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 23 2010, 2:29 PM EDT
You'd have a selection of hells though.
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Universalstar |
51. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 23 2010, 2:34 PM EDT
Niflheim, Hell, and the Egyptian and Greek Underworlds, to name a few
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Ebon_Moon |
52. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 23 2010, 3:19 PM EDT
Most of them are the same, not a place you'd desire to go to really. It would become like the Forgotten Realms setting for D&D, you have to choose a god to devote yourself to in life, so that you can be judged by that deity in death, if you have no faith you just become a part of a wall, well that's what happens in that rpg setting, but the wall idea is quite silly...
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![]() Dous777 |
53. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 24 2010, 11:27 AM EDT
If all myths were real there'd be a heck of a lot less Ocean.Just think. Atlantis, Mu, Lilliput, Island of the Blessed, Lemuria, Balnibari, Lotos Land, Luggnagg, Hy Brasil, Brobdingnag, etc... Do you find this valuable? |
Ebon_Moon |
54. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 24 2010, 12:19 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jul 24 2010, 12:23 PM EDT
I like the word Lemuria, it reminds of the song by Therion, also named Lemuria. When gods get pissed off, they throw water around...
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![]() Dous777 |
55. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 27 2010, 2:21 AM EDT
But again if all myths were really you'd have to go to sleep surrounded by a mountain of stuff to ward off evil spirits.Scissors, knives, garlic cloves, statue of Pazuzu, dreamcatchers, etc... Do you find this valuable? |
Ebon_Moon |
56. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 27 2010, 2:29 AM EDT
Very true, how uncomfortable that would that be! Plus doing endless amounts of ritualised tasks each and every day,just to ward of monsters and such, walking around with clothes inside out, chanting various things backwards. It would be amusing, not only for me, but i would imagine the monsters it's trying to keep away.
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![]() Dous777 |
57. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Jul 27 2010, 2:48 AM EDT
If we amuse them they don't kill us, thus it works.There'd be a huge selection of household spirits to choose from as well. Brownies, hobs, tomter, nisser, domovoi, liderec, lares, menehune... Do you find this valuable? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
58. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Aug 5 2010, 5:24 PM EDT
I'd stick with dragons
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59. RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
Aug 6 2010, 12:04 PM EDT
WoW, little did I know so much information and discussion came out of my "I bellieve in all biblical beings" Now let me point out a few things that I am still noticing around our strange but beautiful world.,more and more creatures are coming out, and I don't mean nice ones either., I'm sure all of you read the one in mexico, how there are strange things flying around scaring even the police from weird looking hags we call wicthes. with no eyes just deep black holes. and a boy walking down the street with a friend and all of a sudden a long arm tries to grab him.(his friend took a picture by accident at his friend and at the same time you see in real time this arm sticking out towards the kid like one of those cartoons, instead this was no cartoon) and what about the one where someone took a picure of two cops on horse also in Mexico and there is this tiny creature that looks like a mini alien walking in between them..Can you imagen how the owner of the camera felt when he/she was looking at the pictures and BANG there it is. kind of scary when you think about it. there is so many of them, and granted some could be fake, but not all are, like the one in Germany (i think) kids was driving in town and the camera caught this big person that jump from a high building? and flew down to a low apt building just like that..some even think it was the england or somewhere in or around england a video was taken of a black creature that look like a big lion running down the valley , and disapear as quickly as it was seen. gone, but it left behind evidence, A killed goat, all that was left was the horns and it's was truly scary seeing that in TV, it was in that new show in syfi , about proving if it is real or not. what about the noiceses heard in the woods all over our state and no one knows what it is....what do you think it is?
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