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jeez_rascal |
1. jeez
Oct 23 2010, 12:54 AM EDT
there isn't. it is just the roman creatures that are mythical. . . not everything else. i am hating the diff but oh well. i just need one person to make it through my mind's maze to be able to. . . . . . how did i get to this topic, ooppsadaisy oh well
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HeavenlyHeathen |
2. RE: jeez
Oct 29 2010, 7:38 PM EDT
Actually... There is a difference.Mythical creatures are creatures found in mythology, not simply Roman, but all mythology. The mythical creature umbrella also covers creatures from folklore. Most of the creatures have distinguished characteristics and are featured in legends or myths. Also, most mythological creatures have a creation usually told in a myth. Mystical creatures are more spiritually and religiously affiliated. They are not necessarily ever mentioned in myths, but can be, such as dragons. Mystical creatures are what mages/witches/warlocks/summoners/alchemists/etc. communicate with and work with in their respective magics. Their natures are more ambiguous than mythological creatures, sometimes their origins are unknown. Mystical creatures help with magic or spirituality and are considered metaphysical and part of other dimensions. Mythic creatures are part of our world That being said, think of the mystical creatures as a square, and the mythical creatures as a rectangle: a square can be a rectangle, but a rectangle cannot be a square. Or, in more plain terms, some mystical creatures can blend into the realm of myth, but not all myths can blend into the mystical realms. 6 out of 6 found this valuable. Do you? |