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Lrefekiel |
jabberwocks are precious
Nov 8 2010, 8:03 AM EST
jabberwocks are very gorgeous. why is it decapitation that kills them...? maybe cause the heart line is in the neck...or in its brain. jabberwockys are precious i want one.the alice in wonderland jabberwocky is so lovely i love him man. dragons love their treasure and they love to sing i hear. but what do jabbers like? they keep their sword hidden so people wont find it..... or so 1 out of 10 found this valuable. Do you?
Keyword tags:
Alice in Wonderland
fictional creature
Lewis Carroll
xXDuskXx |
1. RE: jabberwocks are precious
Jan 6 2011, 2:23 PM EST
*Wonders about pet Jabberwocks* Wait, what do they eat O.o??
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![]() freedragon10022 |
2. RE: jabberwocks are precious
Jan 6 2011, 3:57 PM EST
pretty much anything and everything. though I have it understood that they don't like very salty things.
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