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Posted Anonymously |
Jan 7 2011, 11:32 AM EST
just figured but if these creatures are told about in the bibles then Q.Q should that mean Christians, and others should trust that there really real or what? just saying and kinda joking around here but would it not kinda be funny if the pope decided to say that sea monsters such as the leviathan were real... xD not trying to offend anyone sorry if this upsets anyone.
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biblical creatures
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1. RE: levaithan
Feb 15 2011, 2:39 PM EST
Leviathan may not exist in this day and age, however it would be ignorant to say that it couldn't. our planet is over 70% water and the tiny percentage of it that we have explored is laughable compared to how much must still be left to discover. so it is very much possible that Leviathan exists, along with many other "mythical" creatures, like the Behemoth, or the Kraken, to name a few. I am not sure of the date, but a Chinese fishing boat pulled up their nets and discovered a carcass of a large creature with a vast resemblanc to a plesiosaur, still midway through the process of decaying. unfortunately, the ship's captain, not knowing what he had, ordered the carcass thrown overboard due to the stench, but not before they took a picture of it, which can easily be found with a simple google search.
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2. RE: levaithan
Mar 16 2011, 3:12 PM EDT
Many Christians believe the Loch Ness is a decendant if not a remaining leviathan too.
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