Location: Faun

Discussion: theres ANOTHER legend of goatmanReported This is a featured thread

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theres ANOTHER legend of goatman
Mar 23 2011, 6:04 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 23 2011, 6:04 PM EDT
This goatman may be the same one... he likes to stay at this old abandoned church and he often wears a long trenchcoat and poses as a hitchhiker! he is pure evil.... and if you pick him up you will know 3  out of 6 found this valuable. Do you?    
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1. RE: theres ANOTHER legend of goatman
Jan 12 2012, 5:39 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 12 2012, 5:39 AM EST
"This goatman may be the same one... he likes to stay at this old abandoned church and he often wears a long trenchcoat and poses as a hitchhiker! he is pure evil.... and if you pick him up you will know"
Well, where is this old abandoned church? Maybe someone could send a story about this to the Destination Truth team! If this ends up on one of their shows, i'm so watching that show!
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