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Posted Anonymously |
Apr 18 2011, 1:48 PM EDT
I cannot believe that people are not able too except that there are creatures out there that we have not identified yet. However people are willing to believe in GOD when there is no physical proof of his existence.
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Keyword tags:
bigfoot sightings
legend of bigfoot
Posted Anonymously |
1. RE: bigfoot
Apr 30 2011, 11:25 AM EDT
You spelled 'to' and 'accept' wrong. Your argument is invalid.
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Jinniyah |
2. RE: bigfoot
Apr 30 2011, 12:54 PM EDT
"You spelled 'to' and 'accept' wrong. Your argument is invalid."I wouldn't say they spelled it wrong. This person used the wrong words. Your post is invalid. 4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
Missklutzqueen |
3. RE: bigfoot
Jan 16 2013, 3:54 PM EST
Amen! I feel the exact same way
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TheTruth2525 |
4. RE: bigfoot
Jan 16 2013, 4:42 PM EST
Although your argument is a good one, I still don't think there is anything mythical about 'bigfoot'. He's probably a deformed animal creature that everyone freaks out about on the news. Do I believe in things like vampire and werewolves? Vampires - Yes. Werewolves - Not really. I think it's pretty unlikley for one creature to be able to shift into a completely different creature. Big Foot - Nope. He's probably just a deformed ape. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() DarkStar467 |
5. RE: bigfoot
Jan 17 2013, 2:02 AM EST
"Although your argument is a good one, I still don't think there is anything mythical about 'bigfoot'.In the terms of magic, it can be possible to shift into a completely different form. Honestly, if we understood magic as much as we understand science, then anything could be possible. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() DarkStar467 |
6. RE: bigfoot
Jan 17 2013, 2:04 AM EST
"In the terms of magic, it can be possible to shift into a completely different form. Honestly, if we understood magic as much as we understand science, then anything could be possible."Basically put, magic could open our minds to thousands of new questions that science would never have brought to us. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
Posted Anonymously |
7. RE: bigfoot
Feb 4 2013, 10:06 AM EST
"Basically put, magic could open our minds to thousands of new questions that science would never have brought to us.""Magic is just science we dont understand yet" Authur C Clarke. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
lupisman |
8. RE: bigfoot
Feb 12 2013, 6:44 AM EST
""Magic is just science we dont understand yet" Authur C Clarke."if you took an iPad back to the Year I was born, you would be tried for witchcraft and burned at the stake. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
once-ler |
9. RE: bigfoot
Feb 15 2013, 7:22 AM EST
god does so exist as much as monsters!he exists or none of us would be living!
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lupisman |
10. RE: bigfoot
Mar 26 2013, 9:34 AM EDT
"god does so exist as much as monsters!he exists or none of us would be living!"wow, jesus freaks have even invaded this site. 0 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
lupisman |
11. RE: bigfoot
Aug 28 2013, 8:04 PM EDT
"god does so exist as much as monsters!he exists or none of us would be living!"And ease up on the m word. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() DazeNi |
12. RE: bigfoot
Feb 12 2014, 10:31 AM EST
Llyod pye... everything you know is wrong.. watch and learn...!!!!
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