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Posted Anonymously |
Jun 7 2011, 11:57 AM EDT
like ya they sound alot like dwarves,or gnomes4 out of 6 found this valuable. Do you?
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![]() RobinstarAsuka |
1. RE: nockers
Jun 15 2011, 3:47 PM EDT
That would be a creepy gnome. o.o
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![]() melanjo |
2. RE: nockers
Jun 15 2011, 4:08 PM EDT
I don't know why gnomes have a bad rap. they are connected to the element of earth. The name is derived from the greek word genomus(Earth dweller or gnoma (The knowing ones) gnomes live for several hundred years. They marry and have families, as well they work in their chosen occupation as healers, plant growers and protectors, the study of animals, wood working, or weaving. They are Very wisein the use of plants and herbs for good health. And since gnomes have a great understanding of the universal energy and how it can be used, They are excellent healers and magicians. ( I just wanted to clear that up)
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3. RE: nockers
Jun 17 2011, 12:02 PM EDT
Points for melanjo! The ones that should creep you out are the pookas! Little bastards.
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![]() melanjo |
4. RE: nockers
Jun 17 2011, 12:51 PM EDT
Thanks, And dwarves are not bad either. They too are connected to the earth element. And are seldom seen by humans. Although they dont fear humans, they prefer to stay out of sight and avoid human company whenever possible.
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![]() RobinstarAsuka |
5. RE: nockers
Jun 18 2011, 5:31 AM EDT
Ummm. I didn't say anything about gnomes being bad or scary. I just said that a gnome looking the way a knocker is described would be creepy. I think gnomes are adorable. =^_^=
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![]() melanjo |
6. RE: nockers
Jun 18 2011, 7:16 AM EDT
"Ummm. I didn't say anything about gnomes being bad or scary. I just said that a gnome looking the way a knocker is described would be creepy. I think gnomes are adorable. =^_^="Then that was my misunderstaning, And i do apologize. Lately i just been hearing pple mis identify one thing and call it a gnome. I happen to be fond of gnomes. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() RobinstarAsuka |
7. RE: nockers
Jun 24 2011, 7:38 AM EDT
"Then that was my misunderstaning, And i do apologize. Lately i just been hearing pple mis identify one thing and call it a gnome. I happen to be fond of gnomes."It's alright. I'm totally gonna make a garden & fill it with little garden gnomes some day. Though I wish live ones would come, that'd be epic. Do you find this valuable? |
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8. RE: nockers
Sep 8 2012, 11:19 AM EDT
*shakes her finger* Not very nice, you know... criticizing what you don't understand. Phoukas are very misunderstood creatures. There are horrifying tales of waylaid travelers being driven mad or even killed on the nightmarish rides that ensued when a Phouka was found in the form of a black horse with sulfurous eyes, but the travelers who met such a fate were maltreating their environment or the beings / spirits around them. They were being taught a lesson they wouldn't soon forget. Live a wise life, and wisdom and prophecy will be granted you. Live a selfish and cruel existence and you welcome selfish cruelty and pleasure from your pain. With Phoukas, you truly do get what you give! ;)
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