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![]() S3V3N |
1. RE: Goblin
Oct 23 2012, 4:17 AM EDT
How small of an area are you talking about?
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GrimtheGoblin |
2. RE: Goblin
Oct 21 2013, 5:19 AM EDT
"How small of an area are you talking about?"The North-West territory? Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
3. RE: Goblin
Oct 2 2014, 7:36 PM EDT
| Post edited: Oct 2 2014, 7:37 PM EDT
"do goblins ever attack suddenly towards one small area once a year".......For what the hell reason would Goblins even DO that? ...Not sure I even understand the question, really. For one thing, despite what you may have heard Goblins are solitary beings, not clannish, in the least. They don't form armies and kill Hobbits and all that other garbage, you read, or see in movies, now-a-days. Ya want the straight dope on Goblins? Go to Erika's website. We'll set you straight on Goblins and stuff. LINK: Or go to the Goblins page on this site. It's all good. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
4. RE: Goblin
Oct 10 2014, 12:30 PM EDT
".......For what the hell reason would Goblins even DO that?yes. a rather odd question, i dare say. perhaps that's what rather happens when you read lord of the rings on drugs, i suppose. because that's what it sounds like they were doing. goblins are not militaristic. they don't travel in bands, live in tribes or hippie communes. they are solitary beings. they don't attack any area at any time of the year. my goodness...! Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
5. RE: Goblin
Oct 10 2014, 12:33 PM EDT
"The North-West territory?""GrimtheGoblin"?? Grim, is that you, as well?? or someone else with a similar name?? Do you find this valuable? |
Kita0912 |
6. RE: Goblin
Oct 10 2014, 1:15 PM EDT
"do goblins ever attack suddenly towards one small area once a year"kinda vague, too. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
7. RE: Goblin
Oct 10 2014, 1:39 PM EDT
"The North-West territory?"actually, the north-west territory is rather large...! Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
8. RE: Goblin
Oct 11 2014, 4:26 AM EDT
well i did read something about the above being in a folklore of sorts which I just found so instead of giving a lengthy explanation, read the commentary from this link:
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ErikaLancastor |
9. RE: Goblin
Oct 11 2014, 12:47 PM EDT
| Post edited: Oct 11 2014, 12:55 PM EDT
"well i did read something about the above being in a folklore of sorts which I just found so instead of giving a lengthy explanation, read the commentary from this link:"thanks for the link, aerce. but actually that is a greek fairy tail. goblins were not native to greece. . anyways, grim knows this sort of thing, better than i do, but from what i can gather, the creatures are what are known in greece as "Kobalo" or "Kobalos". some say "Goblin" is derived from that word "Kobalos" in standard English, and the goblin language is tentatively called "Kobalos" goblins call it: "kah'te'k-nah". (but i'll mention the real origin of the word goblin in a bit.) so when the story was translated from greek to english, it was mistranslated to mean "Goblin". in all the texts, and manuscripts i've read and the ones that grim has shared with me, very few true goblins ATE PEOPLE. the only exception might be the Boggarts of the clough in england and moors of Scotland, but that info is sketchy. some stories say the boggarts eat children others say they don't. but as a general rule goblins as a whole do not eat people. the Kobalo in that story threatened to eat the girl, so one's first clue that these are not goblins comes quite early. and again, goblins do not live in tribes, amass armies and or travel in packs. (those notions began mainly with Tolkien and C.S. Lewis) the Kobalo of greece were sometimes solitary, sometimes social. but goblins (especially the boggarts) are solitary through and through. very rarely socializing any one. not even other goblins, as a rule. the word "Kobalos" actually means "rogue" therefore it was applied to the "uglier" types of fairies in english. however the true word for goblin comes from wales. and it is Coblynau Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
10. RE: Goblin
Oct 11 2014, 12:52 PM EDT
(pt. 2)the word "Coblynau" was shortened to "Coblyn" in france and re-pronounced later as "Gobelin" then still later re-pronounced as the now familiar word "Goblin". i need to get grim in here, to see if i have all this in order, however. pretty certain that's right, though. Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
11. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 7:23 AM EDT
"(pt. 2)Mmm.... couple mistakes. But....... Close enough! You are learning well, Grass-Smoker....! ...Er... Uh..., I mean Grass-Hopper! Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
12. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 7:28 AM EDT
"(pt. 2)And Coblynau is pronounced "Kobler-nigh". Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
13. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 12:22 PM EDT
"And Coblynau is pronounced "Kobler-nigh". "Just thought I'd add this. "derived from beliefs in the mischievous kobalos of ancient Greece" (source: Wikipedia) Just so you know Erika is on the right track. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
14. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 6:31 PM EDT
"Just thought I'd add this.thank you. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
15. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 6:32 PM EDT
also i found this about the coblynau in a book i have called "British Goblins". here you go:Under the general title of Coblynau I class the fairies which haunt the mines, quarries and underground regions of Wales, corresponding to the cabalistic Gnomes. The word coblyn has the double meaning of knocker or thumper and sprite or fiend; and may it not be the original of goblin? It is applied by Welsh miners to pigmy fairies which dwell in the mines, and point out, by a peculiar knocking or rapping, rich veins of ore. The faith is extended, in some parts, so as to cover the indication of subterranean treasures generally, in caves and secret places of the mountains. The coblynau are described as being about half a yard in height and very ugly to look upon, but extremely good-natured, and warm friends of the miner. Their dress is a grotesque imitation of the miner’s garb, and they carry tiny hammers, picks and lamps. They work busily, loading ore in buckets, flitting about the shafts, turning tiny windlasses, and pounding away like madmen, but really accomplishing nothing whatever. They have been known to throw stones at the miners, when enraged at being lightly spoken of; but the stones are harmless. Nevertheless, all miners of a proper spirit refrain from provoking them, because their presence brings good luck. so, there you have it. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
16. RE: Goblin
Oct 13 2014, 6:34 PM EDT
"Mmm.... couple mistakes. But....... Close enough!very funny. Do you find this valuable? |