Location: Tiyanak

Discussion: anti-countermeasureReported This is a featured thread

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Posted Anonymously
Oct 26 2011, 3:55 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 26 2011, 3:55 AM EDT
i think the countermeasure told in this page was meant for what we call "lamat" or passing a specific place over and over again even though you already passed that area. i have searched for mythical creatures for about 14 years and i never read any countermeasure like turning you clothes inside out. 4  out of 4 found this valuable. Do you?    
Keyword tags: baby demon
1. RE: anti-countermeasure
Oct 27 2011, 2:57 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 27 2011, 2:57 AM EDT
I'm afraid the countermeasure of turning your clothes inside-out is the most commonest countermeasure there is. It applies to many mythical creatures in a surprising array of different cultures.

People believed you could confuse spirits by doing this simple thing, thus allowing you to pass by the spirit before it could do anything to you, like leading you astray in a forest.
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2. RE: anti-countermeasure
Oct 27 2011, 9:33 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 27 2011, 9:33 AM EDT
Large heavy objects are way more effective though. Do you find this valuable?    

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