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Nov 13 2011, 3:49 PM EST
The Bible is describing a Brachiosaurus. Not so Mythical when you think about it.
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1. RE: behemoth
Nov 25 2011, 2:34 AM EST
Not necessarily. The only description of what the behemoth that actually told of its looks (as far as I know) was Milton, and technically that can't even be counted as nonfiction. Job simply describes the behemoth's power, and Enoch mentions it's a male land-dweller. We don't know much else about it, whether you believe those two accounts or not. Creationist scientists (in other words, scientists who believe in the Christian's deity), as well as many others, I'm sure, are always arguing about what Job and Enoch are trying to describe. Explanations range from sauropods (like you mentioned), to hippos, to some beast we've never seen or heard of.
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![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
2. RE: behemoth
Nov 25 2011, 9:42 AM EST
"The Bible is describing a Brachiosaurus. Not so Mythical when you think about it. "So it's not mythology if it's in the bible? Did you know almost every story in the bible is a myth? 0 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
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3. RE: behemoth
Jan 20 2012, 8:56 AM EST
you people are ridiculous, first post you are so sure of yourself it is sick, second post, semi intelligent, and third post, your an idiot, and I have a stupid regurgitation for you that is not as dumb as yours, "every lie stems from some truth." the idea i tend to side with is that Behemoth is a made up by Job, as a symbol of God's divine power with a snare/ring through his nose, showing that he is controlled by God. A guy using stories to show the power of the one he believes in, that is not to far fetched if you ask me, as many men will do.
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4. RE: behemoth
Apr 11 2012, 8:15 AM EDT
Omg.."..... He's not discirbeing his power he's telling of what is looks like!!!! It's a dino and it's proof that dinosaurs lived with man and disporves evolution... Where evolution says dinosaurs died out before man got here. And you flipflopragdoll.....wher did you even get the idea that almost every story of the bible is myth?? Honestly that right there is proofs that dinosaurs lived with man and disproves that dinosaurs died out.....and also on native American walking sticks/staffs some will have a dinosaurs on it!!!!! Also I like tobmetetion that there are images with trees standing straight up though the ground which should question how evolutionist date the earth.. If you don't believe me just look up... Images of petrified trees standing straight up..... Thank you very much
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