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Maybe Real
May 12 2012, 6:22 AM EDT
I'm not sure if it was a hell hound or something else.But, I saw a black mist thing run through my back yard when I was was weird...I could see the movement in it. It was like it was like it was on 4 legs and it looked pretty big!!!! It looked l bit bigger than a great dane, but I didn't see any eyes. But the reason I'm not sure if it was a hell hound was because it was right before the sun rose over the horizon.And I'm trying to find out if hell hounds are destroyed by sunlight.
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1. RE: Maybe Real
Jul 6 2012, 5:05 AM EDT
Destroyed by sunlight?No.. But all demons and creatures from hell are much more likely to appear at night. Have you ever been in touch with any supernatural being? Is there a reason for a hellhound to appear? They don't just randomly appear 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |