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Posted Anonymously |
Jun 26 2012, 1:07 PM EDT
there's more than one and its not just some small band its a big village and its not some stupid beast they have avoided us there's more than ethof proof for us to belive
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![]() WolfsbaneLobo |
Jul 10 2012, 9:25 PM EDT
In my opinion, if we haven't found them yet then they're probably WAY smarter than us & we should hold out for a few more decades when technology is sophisticated enough... or they're not real... or they're rare mutants... or they're anorexic bears... or they're aliens... or they're undercover terrorists... or I could keep guessing and no one would know if I'm right or not! Although I sincerely hope I'm wrong about the last one...
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2. Bigfoot: My Anonymous Take
Jul 16 2012, 5:58 PM EDT
I think its just Big, Hairy Men who live in forests away from civilization. A Barbarian, if you wish.
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