Location: Medusa Theory

Discussion: sorry but noReported This is a featured thread

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sorry but no
Jul 25 2012, 7:34 AM EDT | Post edited: Jul 25 2012, 7:34 AM EDT
there are ancient pictures describing medusa as having a head FULL of snakes not a head LIKE a snake

while your theory is more logical than most, its missing variables
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1. RE: sorry but no
Mar 1 2013, 10:11 AM EST | Post edited: Mar 1 2013, 10:11 AM EST
hey have you ever seen madusa...NO
i study Greek mythology and many madusa legends say or have a picture of madusa having a head like a snake and scaly hair, so there is a good chance the madusa legnds where never just legends...i mean who ever came up with medusa must have seen some thing like her so ya never now do ya.
not all legends and myths are made up... some of the legends and myths where based on reality, such as the dragon legends they actually came from a flying fire breathing dino soooo.
anything is possible yo
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