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220. RE: The last betrayal
May 22 2014, 1:03 AM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2014, 1:03 AM EDT
"So are we comparing Death to cops now? I don't think they'll like that very much...(As if I care :D) "
what makes you think they are watching us?? *servaillance bug flys by my head*
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221. RE: The last betrayal
May 22 2014, 1:54 AM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2014, 1:54 AM EDT
Crying from laughter.... ahh the pain! XD Do you find this valuable?    
222. RE: The last betrayal
May 22 2014, 3:54 AM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2014, 3:54 AM EDT
"So are we comparing Death to cops now? I don't think they'll like that very much...(As if I care :D) "
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223. RE: The last betrayal
May 22 2014, 10:52 PM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2014, 10:53 PM EDT
"So are we comparing Death to cops now? I don't think they'll like that very much...(As if I care :D) "
heavens no! death has dunkin.... cops have crispy creme. see completely different.
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224. RE: The last betrayal
May 22 2014, 10:56 PM EDT | Post edited: May 22 2014, 10:56 PM EDT
Fimbulwinter, by TheElegantShadow.
It hath been a long, three seasons in this weird cold
With nary a summer in between
All life hath ceased, and all light hath been banished behind the clouds
Leaving only darkness to remain ever present
Many a Tree an’ Bush an’ leaf left frozen like the mountain peaks of Jotunheim
Whilst men march in skirmish, an’ slowly dwindle in number
Bloodshed begats our turmoil, only to mix with the snow brought upon us
This cold, Fimbulwinter, hath taken all that we once had
And left us with only the markings of our soon to come end
And brings forth upon us The Final Twilight
Before our world stands a mighty destiny, an inescapable end
That neither Man nor God shall survive
Norse! ^_^
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225. RE: The last betrayal
May 23 2014, 5:30 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 10 2014, 12:42 AM EDT
The breeze blows through the trees
The language of the wind being mysterious
It blows, the leaves giving little hints of the conversation
The birds chirp and chatter, they talk among themselves
The sun lays upon the deck, water sparking
Satisfaction, content, love all becomes one
Can one imagine how long it took?
Who would have thought?
Who would have thought that:
Though the darkness kept me away from the light
I fought for Sanity, for happiness
It refused to come
Chained to my pain, Locked to my anger
Broken down in many ways
Yet I still lived, I still learned
I still loved
Pain arises even in the midst of true love
Purity, innocence is taken away
Darkness is chased away by the dove
Prayers unanswered is the pay
Yet I arise over the pain and above
Yet what is given after the torture and pain
Is worth keeping on the coldest night and hottest day.
Chained in the deepest darkness,
I escape as light followed my footsteps
I obeyed the light's every command
But I was never me
So I rebelled and fought
I ran to the mountains finding my saunctary.
My saunctary has trees that whisper
Birds that talk and listened
The crystals would glow at one's touch
Here was my home
But pain follows me everywhere
Until I find peace
Pain arises even in the midst of true love
Purity, innocence is taken away
Darkness is chased away by the dove
Prayers unanswered is the pay
Yet I arise over the pain and above
Yet what is given after the torture and pain
Is worth keeping on the coldest night and hottest day.

What I found in my sanctuary was contentment
Peace came as I became whole
Answers were found, friends were made
Self- guidiance showed me the way
And now happiness shines brighter than the sun yet invisible
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226. RE: i dance among the flowers
May 24 2014, 12:52 AM EDT | Post edited: May 24 2014, 12:52 AM EDT
i dance among the flowers, i dance in the rain
i dance like a fool just to feel again
life is so bittersweet
except when i feel the grass under my feet

so i'll keep twisting and twirling
and bouncing and whirling
until my heart is no longer sore
i guess i'll just keep dancing forevermore.

(had a rough day. sorry for the crap. but i feel somewhat better)
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227. RE: i dance among the flowers
Jun 10 2014, 12:18 AM EDT | Post edited: Jun 10 2014, 12:18 AM EDT
ok....i think my thread died Do you find this valuable?    
228. tears of pain
Jun 10 2014, 11:31 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 10 2014, 11:31 PM EDT
I look around and see the pain of others
I see the torn lives and the misery that lives within
They call themselves monsters, but do not know what a monster truly is
I see them writhe inside with indecision
Lost hopes, unanswered prayers
Misery loves company they say
I study this pain and these people
I see they can change their lives
Yet they do not.
Why? why let the wind blow?
Why oh pegasus, do you believe wings are torn?
For they are healed...
Yet the pained ones put on a mask.
They comfort each other, but lie to others.
Yet I know, and yet I do not understand.
Why not let others in, if only to help?
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229. RE: tears of pain
Jun 11 2014, 1:16 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 11 2014, 1:16 PM EDT
vary nice les Do you find this valuable?    
230. RE: tears of pain
Jun 11 2014, 4:22 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 11 2014, 4:22 PM EDT
"vary nice les"
life, death, love, hatred, war, and devotion.... we all walk our paths seeking that to make us happy or content, in the end we all walk towards our respective ends... though some are slower or faster, more comfortable, or even tortured as they walk their roads... we all make descisions that propel us forward into our destinies; face tomorrow with pride and happiness, for life is only so long
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231. RE: tears of pain
Jun 11 2014, 7:14 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 11 2014, 7:14 PM EDT
few friends do i have, more enemy's shall i make,
i dont care what you say, for my soul is far away,
i am no longer the same, for my life has been changed,

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232. adstabber
Jun 13 2014, 4:27 AM EDT | Post edited: Jun 13 2014, 4:27 AM EDT
multa fiducia formae, est in
Ho visto da lontano
Amicitia rupta
proteggere sempre
Hos misplaces
guida sempre
Tutor in vobis
Tu reliquisti me officium tuum
mai più
Nunc tam carum Deo praestare
mai più per voi
Sed hoc tantum admonet
Inimicus homo hoc fecit nocte
hai tradito la mia fiducia
A quidem capitalis,
E tutti noi insultati
Tristis in virtute, et avaritiam,
abbandono non è mai mia
Ma costretto a lasciare lo farò
Custos omnia videt ...

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233. RE: adstabber
Jun 13 2014, 10:53 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 13 2014, 10:53 PM EDT
"multa fiducia formae, est in
Ho visto da lontano
Amicitia rupta
proteggere sempre
Hos misplaces
guida sempre
Tutor in vobis
Tu reliquisti me officium tuum
mai più
Nunc tam carum Deo praestare
mai più per voi
Sed hoc tantum admonet
Inimicus homo hoc fecit nocte
hai tradito la mia fiducia
A quidem capitalis,
E tutti noi insultati
Tristis in virtute, et avaritiam,
abbandono non è mai mia
Ma costretto a lasciare lo farò
Custos omnia videt ...

your speaking in a language close to Latin, sempre I remember... not what it meant but who said it... Lesionia, I'm worried this is depressing and from what I can understand, my feelings aren't wrong.... please talk to me... I have known you for so long and now your just leaving?
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234. RE: adstabber
Jun 16 2014, 5:41 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 16 2014, 5:41 PM EDT
few friends do i have, more enemy's shall i make,
i dont care what you say, for my soul is far away,
i am no longer the same, for my life has been changed,
darkness falls, light makes shadow, soul wonders, death grips, the mind slips,
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235. RE: adstabber
Jun 17 2014, 3:56 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 17 2014, 3:56 PM EDT
"few friends do i have, more enemy's shall i make,
i dont care what you say, for my soul is far away,
i am no longer the same, for my life has been changed,
darkness falls, light makes shadow, soul wonders, death grips, the mind slips, "
Is that a quote or does it go deeper than that?
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236. RE: adstabber
Jun 17 2014, 3:59 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 18 2014, 5:40 PM EDT
"Is that a quote or does it go deeper than that?"
its has a deeper meaning
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237. RE: adstabber
Jun 18 2014, 5:02 PM EDT | Post edited: Jun 18 2014, 5:02 PM EDT
a\I know this is bad timing, but you should phrase that differently, we do have immature pervs here (says the pervy sage)
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238. RE: adstabber
Jul 2 2014, 6:09 PM EDT | Post edited: Jul 2 2014, 6:09 PM EDT
sorry no new poems Do you find this valuable?    
239. RE: adstabber
Jul 5 2014, 7:43 PM EDT | Post edited: Jul 5 2014, 7:43 PM EDT
"sorry no new poems"
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