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Discussion: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?Reported This is a featured thread

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40. RE: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?
Oct 1 2014, 11:55 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 1 2014, 11:55 AM EDT
"Crow, You don't know what Star Wars is? (((O.o)))

And a Twi'lek is an alien race in the Star Wars series. The 1st one was featured in Return of the Jedi. Her name was Oola. (played by actress/dancer Femi Taylor) Alas she meets her demise, in the jaws of a creature called the Rankor, in Jabba the Hutt's palace.
Lyn Me was another Twi'lek featured in Return of the Jedi. But she was added later (about 2004, I think) In the "Special edition" releases of the 3 original films. She was played by actress/dancer Dalyn Chew.

(See? Told ya I knew my Star Wars, Tolon!) =D

Crow, These are Twi'leks. (Both the actresses I mentioned): http://scans.startiger.com/showscan.php?scanid=62067

Of course i know what Star Wars is. i have never seen the films of course, but I know what it is. I do not live on mars in a cave with my eyes closed and my wings over my ears.
i simply did not know what a Twi'lek was. that was what i was asking.
From the photo, they appear somewhat like some Fae i have encountered.
Thank you for the clarification.
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41. RE: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?
Oct 1 2014, 12:38 PM EDT | Post edited: Oct 1 2014, 12:38 PM EDT
"Of course i know what Star Wars is. i have never seen the films of course, but I know what it is. I do not live on mars in a cave with my eyes closed and my wings over my ears.
i simply did not know what a Twi'lek was. that was what i was asking.
From the photo, they appear somewhat like some Fae i have encountered.
Thank you for the clarification. "
LOVE Star Wars!!! :) <3
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42. RE: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?
Oct 1 2014, 2:30 PM EDT | Post edited: Oct 1 2014, 2:30 PM EDT
"LOVE Star Wars!!! :) <3"
Somehow that doesn't suprise Me.

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43. RE: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?
Oct 21 2014, 12:00 AM EDT | Post edited: Oct 21 2014, 12:00 AM EDT
"i ask out of curiosity. i ask because i want to know (as do some cohorts of mine) how much people of the present day know of such things.
thank you.

i believe that they are the two fae courts
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44. RE: What does anyone here know of the Seelie court and the Unseelie court?
Oct 21 2014, 7:58 PM EDT | Post edited: Oct 21 2014, 7:58 PM EDT
"i believe that they are the two fae courts"

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