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GoblinGrim |
CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 2 2014, 10:10 AM EDT
| Post edited: Oct 2 2014, 10:35 AM EDT
Les.Recently EnvyFree posted that (tiny rant) thread talking about how the site has "back slid" in many ways. He could have made this point without the "nearly everyone here, now is a "Crackpot" " comment, which put a lot of people off (understandably) but He has a valid point. I've only been here a little over a year, but I too seem to remember when the site was more for information and connection purposes than what it's evolved to, presently. I'm wondering if user-ship has fallen off because of this? BTW, I am as guilty as anyone, probably more so, because of my wise-cracks and nonseqiter threads. In fact...., I may be KING of the said "CRACKPOTS". In the future, I'll tone this down. Also, I'd like to help bring the site back up to par. Please tell Me what I can do. EnvyFree, if you're reading this, I ask for suggestions from You, as well, if I may be so bold. You seem to remember the "glory days" of the site, well. Like I said, I've only been here about a year, so I wouldn't have the same recollections of the website, that you have. Well, anyway, I made my point, so now I'll back off. Do you find this valuable?
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ErikaLancastor |
1. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 2 2014, 12:27 PM EDT
"Les.i too confess that i am a fellow "crackpot". lol. yes, lesionia, i think this is what happens when you get an infestation of goblins. *giggle* we tend to make the property values drop, if you rather get me meaning. sorry, yea as grim says, we'll behave. and also, what can i do to help, as well?? Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
2. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 2 2014, 2:07 PM EDT
"i too confess that i am a fellow "crackpot". lol.Yeah, any suggestions! Including: "Grim...! STRAIGHTEN UP!!" LOL Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
3. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 2 2014, 10:09 PM EDT
i haven't been on much because my other laptops broke and i had to repair an abandoned mini slow one so i could use it, which is what i am doing, plus i'm working lol. i will try to be on more but i for one tend to look into various sites and areas for information rather than staying with a single source, unless i feel that single source is better than the other information i've found lol idk but maybe adding more on mythological entities/Gods/Goddesses plus descriptions on the various demons and angels will attract more attention because those are huge focus points for many belief systems and religions. Adding the deities from those religion systems etc would only be beneficial in my opinion.
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GoblinGrim |
4. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 3 2014, 6:04 AM EDT
"i haven't been on much because my other laptops broke and i had to repair an abandoned mini slow one so i could use it, which is what i am doing, plus i'm working lol. i will try to be on more but i for one tend to look into various sites and areas for information rather than staying with a single source, unless i feel that single source is better than the other information i've found lol idk but maybe adding more on mythological entities/Gods/Goddesses plus descriptions on the various demons and angels will attract more attention because those are huge focus points for many belief systems and religions. Adding the deities from those religion systems etc would only be beneficial in my opinion."Well..., I think I may be partially responsible for the drop off, here on the discussion page. Ok..., MOSTLY responsible. Ok.... COMPLETELY responsible....! I think my wise-cracking, non sequitur posts and all around "silly remarks" has brought it down. Sooooooooo.... I will be leaving the discussion page and no longer commenting. Hopefully it will bring this site back to what it should be. If I want to act like a clown I can always join the Circus. ...or go into politics........ C-Ya! Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
5. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 3 2014, 9:16 PM EDT
Or if that is how you feel then just comment more seriously instead of leaving -_-
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GoblinGrim |
6. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 4 2014, 9:28 AM EDT
"Or if that is how you feel then just comment more seriously instead of leaving -_-"I'll be around the site, still. And Yeah, I'm only gonna stay clear of the discussions page for about a month, or two. And, Yeah, If or when I come back to it, I'll tone down the wise-cracks, and stuff. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
7. RE: CRACKPOTS and the GLORYDAYS of the site.
Oct 9 2014, 12:03 PM EDT
"Or if that is how you feel then just comment more seriously instead of leaving -_-"that's what I told him, as well...! 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |