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Discussion: The most powerfull mythological creature existing.Reported This is a featured thread

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The most powerfull mythological creature existing.
Mar 3 2015, 6:53 PM EST | Post edited: Mar 3 2015, 6:53 PM EST
Do you anyone know whats the most powerful mythological creature that exists? does this creature has any free will or control over its actions ? does that creature suffer ? Do you find this valuable?    
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1. RE: The most powerfull mythological creature existing.
Yesterday, 4:41 PM EDT | Post edited: Yesterday, 4:41 PM EDT
"Do you anyone know whats the most powerful mythological creature that exists? does this creature has any free will or control over its actions ? does that creature suffer ? "
depends on your religion... yeah the biggest pun I ever pulled! ( being serious, reliogion is the main point for most mythologies, if not a changing point for them, so the strongest if it is real or isn't creature would have to be that of a god of a form of religion... and also depends on how you mean powerful, Buddha would never kill, but he could save millions, which, in itself, is a powerful task, first learn the meaning of power before you try to learn which is the most powerful... power isn't even a scale, it is a geusstimation of the abilities of something, destruction wise a nuke is powerful, but medically, a skilled sergeon is much better then the nuke for treating a backed up colon
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