I joined this wiki because: I'm really interested in mythical creatures and basically anything that catches my interest.
The best word to describe me is: reserved, quiet, likeable, curious, hidden, shy, fiercely loyal, determined
Interests: Reading all things fiction writing books, poems Ancient egypt myths and mythical creatures
Favorite movies: harry potter movies Pokemon movies
Favorite TV shows:pokemon yu-gi- oh basically a lot of cartoons
My hero(es): My mom my grandpa my friends
My superpower is: figure it out
If I could live anywhere, it would be: in one of my books or all of them
My dream job(s): an author
What else you should know about me: I'm really shy. I love horses. I move around alot. I'm really fascinated by wolves also. If you tell me a secret I'll take it to the grave. I don't talk much but I'm a really good listener.
SAY HELLO! Leave me a comment below, or send me a private message or compliment!