I joined this wiki because: I like mystical creatures
The best word to describe me is: Unique
Interests: Reading, Writing, Making new friends, Playing music, Th Outdoors
Favorite movies: Iron Man, The lovely bones, Pirates of the caribean, Avatar, Letters to Juliet, Alice in Wonderland, The Karate Kid, Harry Potter, Paranormal Activity, Prince of Persia, Narnia,
Favorite TV shows: Glee, Pretty Little Liars, The Office, House, Degrassi, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Invader Zim, Fringe, Scrubs, Jersey Shore, George Lopez, Victorious, Anime
My hero(es): Parents, and Cool People
My superpower is: Reading Minds
If I could live anywhere, it would be: Hawaii
My dream job(s): A Physician
What else you should know about me: I love people and can get along with ANYONE! :)
SAY HELLO! Leave me a comment below, or send me a private message or compliment!
it was canceled because the main writer tried to kill himself and posted it on internet,look up ''why invader zim was canceled'' on youtube and you will know Im truthful,other than that me and my brother loved invader zim[especailly gir]here are our favorite gir lines:he,s gonna get eaten by sharks,im gonna eat you,you look like a gaint chicken,ttttttttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccooooooooooooooooooosasssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,andwere did my cupcake go I miss my cupcake why cupcake why!
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