I joined this wiki because: I have always been fascinated with animals...especially mythical ones.
The best word to describe me is: adventurous
Interests: anything having to do with expressing yourself artistically: drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing, listening to music but I also like martial arts, running, being outdoors, swimming, and camping.
Favorite movies: kids movie: The Last Unicorn action movie: Blade Trinity comedy movie: Dogma =DDD chick flick: 10 Things I Hate About You Favorite TV shows: Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries blah blah blah
My hero(es): idk I'll tell you when I find out. My superpower is: Dealing with animals (YAY ANIMAL WHISPERER >.<) If I could live anywhere, it would be: Where i live right now- Crescent City, CA. I have redwoods, rivers, and beaches. Who could ask for more?? My dream job(s): A cryptozoologist...And a Search and Rescue volunteer. But the achievable ambition I have is being an alternative healer. What else you should know about me: I'm a wolf therian. (Go figure) I'm not crazy, and I'm not obsessed with this stuff...I was raised in a rather DIFFERENT family- so usually i like the stuff that normal people consider to be fiction. I'm a spiritualist- and I like to help people.
I don't look at the world in complete black and white...I see the gray but no one is going to force me to go near the black.
I cannot stress how much also music and writing is to me- my bread and butter of life while performing arts is the water to go with it. MUSIC = LIFE I don't care who you are. If you don't like any kind of music whatsoever...well something is horribly wrong. Yeah...lol it IS kinda hard to REALLY explain who I am...So its easier to skim over some of the playlists i have (which will be put up rather soon)
=DD any questions, just ask. I won't bite, and it will take awhile to actually offend me.