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Member since: Dec 26 2008, 6:59 PM EST
Slogan: Hugs make the world go round :D
Friends: 45
Compliments: 3 compliments by 3 members
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I'm here because: Good question. I'll list my reasons. 1.) I'm interested in mythical creatures, and the things beyond this world. I have had my own little experiences though none have been bad. they are mainly having to do with those that have passed away and with comfort coming from nowhere when needed the most. The list goes on.... 2.) I like to contribute to the knowledge of others and I like to see just how much people know (or think they do.). 3.) I like to meet new people, and it's made better if they share some/most of my interests.

Hobbies: Listening to music and making music. Playing my violin, spending time with friends, painting with acrylic paints, collecting wise words, gathering natural healing remedies and teas, cooking all kinds of things, recording dreams, learning about symbolism, enjoying the outdoors, chatting, reading, writing, singing (I'm in a choir), making up songs, and observing others around me.

Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, eggplant, liver. Those are just gross ha ha. Musicals. They are so dumb. There are other things but I can't think of them now.

Superpower:Belly dancing! Just kidding. Probably intuition. That or my ability to give amazing massages. They help you rest and they take the pain away! :) I've tried it on my old family members and man, do they sleep like rocks afterwards!

Music: See the playlist above for the songs. I like a lot of bands, I just haven't gotten time to add all the songs I like. You must know that I listen to songs in other languages, not just in English. The languages? Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian.....yes. I may not understand the words, but hey, I don't need to know what they're saying in order to enjoy the song. If they cuss, then I won't know it. What I don't know won't hurt me :) I mainly like rock. Whether it be Metal, Punk, Goth, and so on. Alternative is good too. I'm open to a lot though.

Movies: Action, drama, comedy, romance, it's all good. I really like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's an awseome movie. It has the invisible man in it! I also like Interview With the Vampire, The Hills Have Eyes, The Descent, Darkness Falls, etc

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Latest page update: Aug 10 2010, 11:41 PM EDT
Started By Thread Subject Replies Last Post
JoshuaElswick tankmen 0 Oct 22 2011, 10:12 AM EDT by JoshuaElswick
Thread started: Oct 22 2011, 10:12 AM EDT  Watch
on you tube is a video with the animal I have become called tankmen by outside27 really good and funny[three videos third has song]
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JoshuaElswick legue of extrodanary gentlemen 0 Oct 22 2011, 10:09 AM EDT by JoshuaElswick
Thread started: Oct 22 2011, 10:09 AM EDT  Watch
was awsome but shouldn't it be called league of extrodanary people because the vampire chick[was that a girl or a enuche]well either way my favorite was the gunmaster[bang bang bang botta boom boom boom boom]hey look up ''left4lolSURVIVETHIS!'' ON YOUTUBE REALLY FUNNY AND NEAR END HAS REALLY GOOD SONG[DO YOU KNOW THE NAME OF IT?[oops capslock is meant to be turned of and fixed to bad Im a lazy appalachain hillbilly]
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Lucy544 hey 0 May 8 2011, 5:23 AM EDT by Lucy544
Thread started: May 8 2011, 5:23 AM EDT  Watch
hi how are you?
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ashishm9 wow 9 Apr 19 2009, 7:59 PM EDT by *SirenCall*
Thread started: Apr 13 2009, 6:08 PM EDT  Watch
wow it seems from ur profile that ur like my mirror image with a few variations here n there though lol
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