Hello, my name is Kizzy!
 I'm a Gypsy.
Dark eyes, burning eyes. Fearful and beautiful eyes. I love you so, I fear you so. For sure I've seen you at a sinister hour.
Dark eyes, flaming eyes. They implore me into faraway lands where love reigns. Where peace reigns. Where there is no suffering. Where war is forbidden. Dark eyes, burning eyes. Fearful and beautiful eyes. I love you so, I fear you so. For sure I've seen you at a sinister hour. Without meeting you, I wouldn't be suffering so. I would have lived my life, smiling. You have ruined me, dark eyes. You have taken my happiness forever away. Dark eyes, burning eyes. Fearful and beautiful eyes. I love you so, I fear you so. For sure I've seen you at a sinister hour. | MORE ABOUT ME...
I joined this wiki because: To learn more about the things I should know already know about and to get the answers I've been looking for. The best word to describe me is: Unpredictable, Impulsive, Funny
Interests: I've several interests. Reading is one of them. I enjoy the occasional video games. I'm kinda nerdy. Okay and I'll admit it, I'm a fan of anime. But I have to say my greatest passion is music. Not sure I could live without it.
Favorite movies: Open to any really. Mostly action and horror
My superpower is: I can see and talk to the dead
I'm not afraid of much. Why should I be afraid when I've already been through hell.