I joined this wiki because: so i could find out more about were wolves and to find explanations for some odd happenings . Personality : At first I'm fairly quiet but once befriended i am a loyal person who is keen to keep friendships. I tend to be a peace keeper but if pushed enough will lash back to defend my self and friends!
Interests: I always loved art, the digital and traditional medium in particular. I have always loved wolves,but could never put my finger on why. I love the woods but i am cautious (bears in my area). I find myself interested in taxidermy especially with foxes. i love music but have never attempted to play an instrument (except the recorder in 4th...it was required and i sucked at it)
Favorite movies: I'm not too picky but some personal favorites are the transporter movies, some were wolf movies, comedy and i love the harry potter movies but I'm not obsessive over them....to tell the truth i never read the books! *fail*
Favorite TV shows: I love comedies and action...so * house. * survivor * teen wolf * NCIS * Animal Planet (in general) * National Geographic (in general as well) * family guy * American dad * Tosh.0
My hero(es): I never really idolized many celebrities but i always looked up to my dad and his father (my grampy frank) along with my papa (mother's dad)
My superpower is: Super power? haha ..um...ok i guess just being random as hell! I'll have my happy and completely insane (good insane) moments :3 um.....idk what else. If I could live anywhere, it would be: Some where in the country but not too too far from society maybe just a small town. I've always loved the sights of the mountains and i could not imagine life with out the golden falls ans white winters in a broad leaf forest area.
My dream job(s): Something with art or animals! maybe taxidermy....its a combo of both and you can make good money offa it!
What else you should know about me: Have two dogs (weimeraners) and two chinchillas. Had a gecko. I'm currently in a relation ship with an awesome guy from my school...ummmmmm.,,, well, i guess in just an open heart i guess, I'm not one to ignore someone unless i absolutely loathe them (which is veeeeeeeeeeeeery rare) Live with my mom.....in the USA Race: white not racist at all! i crud you not!!!!!
Um...i guess that's all.
Oh I'm trying to find out if I'm a were wolf or just a dreamer
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