I joined this wiki because: I really enjoy the supernatural and I've been around it my whole life!
The best word to describe me is: Interesting
Interests: Story writing, reading, drawing manga characters, watching TV, school work, others.
Favorite movies: Too many to list!
Favorite TV shows: NCIS, Supernatural, charmed, Star trek: The next generation, Bewitched, I dream of Jeannie, others
My hero(es): Ghengis Khan, Alexander the great, Thor, My mother
My superpower is: Insight to the future and the ability to bend matter
If I could live anywhere, it would be: In a galaxy, far far away
My dream job(s): Engineer, Author, Scientist, explorer
What else you should know about me: I am a very wise little kid. I am 13, soon to be 14 and am a very stubborn child. I live somewhere in the united states(not giving location). I read a lot and tend to be a bit optimistic.
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