Version User Scope of changes
Feb 16 2012, 4:47 AM EST (current) Sorceress13 52 words added
Jun 29 2011, 6:38 PM EDT Kanna_Loveless 130 words added


Key:  Additions   Deletions
Hello all of you out there,

Now I know that there are many that have their own website that they wish to show off to others. We have had more than enough asking us to visit their website. Hopefully we can come up with an arrangement.

If you wish to have your site featured in this page you MUST follow some rules first:

1) We need a name and link of the site.
2) We need the creator's web name of the site.
3) We want a description of the site (nothing simple as: Cos it's cool!)
4) You have to agree to link our site to yours.

Should you fail to deliver all four points, your weblink / advert will be removed promptly.

Thank you.

Warrior Cats Roleplay

BY dancingpaws

The site is about 4 clans of warrior cats who live fiercly by the warrior code and you can create a cat and then roleplay it.
Shadow Writers Society

Site Creator: Stonepony83

The Society is basically a place for writers, artist, and others who like to learn, research, and just have fun. It is a growing site that you can help build by posting your own accounts of research that you have done (that is if you are willing to share your work) so others may learn from your discoveries! Post stories, discuss manga, show off your artwork, give advice to others, and possibly learn something new yourself. Come check us out and join. As the site grows, so does the activities and subjects!
Bookshelf Fantastica

Site Creator: Evil_Genius77

Bookshelf Fantastica is an up-and-coming website about fantasy book series and trilogies. We have polls, are building a database of reviews, synopsyses, etc., and every other wonderful aspect of a Wetpaint site. A friendly community that enjoys your input on the site and in the forums.
Site Creater: Kevinatoranator

A new eventually to be finished MMORPG. This will be a great installment into the medieval fantasy genre but we need your help. That's right we need you to helps us come up with ideas, creatures, and designs for are game. As a little bonus, those who help create creatures and designs will get free sneak peaks and pictures of the game as it is developed. We will also use this website as a data collection tool for some of our creatures if not all so don't forget to contriibute hear to. As the game progresses we will add more to the site.
See you there.
Beast or Beauty

Site Creator: Beastxorxbeauty on here and lordxxofthedance on the website

A long time ago, the elements were in harmony together. They werne't fighting and were being civil to each other. The Empresses and Emperors suddenly got a hint of anger in their blood one day.This came from the Emperor of Darkness and the Empress of Death. they were bored. They wanted to get stronger by this hatred.

So the Emperors and Empresses got their battle helmets on and began to fight.But Not just for the sake of it. For the God of the Emperors' and Empresses' throne. After all, he is the msot powerful out of all of them. There was a reason why the Emperor and Empress that started this began this mayhem. It was to get rid of the rest of them and have the throne themselves.

Pretty soon, the elements created beings similar to them to fight for them. These include dragons, vampires, devils, angels, fae, and etc. The Empress of Animals and Plants created beings that were strong against the Water Empress's beings, but very weak against the Fire Emperor's. The Fire Emperor's beings were weak against the Water Empress's mermaids and fae, but her's were weak against the Empress of Weather's beings, who froze her lakes and their people. Her's were weakened by the Emperor of the Sun's summer spirits, elves, and fae, but his were weakened by the Empress of the Moon's spirits. Her's were weakened by Emperor of Life and Light's people, whose were weakened by the Emperor of Darkness's and the Empress of Death's creatures. But theirs' were weaked by the Emperor of Life and Light and the God's creatures. It is a never ending battle.

But the God of the Empresses and Emperors created something that would end this. Humans. These humans, as he called them, went into battle constantly with the elements and won or lost. Some humans were taken into slavery. Some were victorious. Some were killed. But some of the humans banded up with the beings from the elements that didn;t want this war. These groups sought peace and fought for it in any way.

Your duty is to play out this story. Be a human, an emperor, an empress, or anything else. Be for the war or against it. You choose.
Dungeons and Dragons Beyador

Site Creator: ShadowySilence

Welcome to the wonderful world of D&D where you can
be whoever you want to be. The D&D world is full of powerful
monsters, mighty wizards, deadly rogues, and kindly
paladins. The land is set up like lights in the darkness.
Cities are centers of life and civilization. But they are the lights
surrounded by the dark wilderness where dangers lurk everywhere.
These cities rely on brave men and women who move freely in the darkness and perform great acts. You are one of these people, and adventurer. Fight for glory, gold, and the upholding of good. Or just
play to have fun and smash some heads. Whatever you do

Have fun!
Myths and Magic Encyclopedia

Site Creator: movie_mad_grl

Myths and Magic is a site dedicted to all things mythical. You can learn more about your zodiac sign, ancient myths or properties of crystals. A place to teach and be taught, to listen and to speak about whatever you wish. And your only requirement is to have an open mind.

Site Creator: Moi (aliceprhr aka Sunny)

Hi Everyone!

I am writing a new book, called Shadows, and thanks to this site, I was inspired to make my own mythical creature. One unlike any other, more humanlike than everything else (including vamps). Below is my site, please go there and check the excerpts. You can also play games, create forums, etc. There is a lot to do. But, I would highly appreciate any feedback:

There isn't too much I can say about this new creature (all confidential, trying to keep the mystery alive here :D) including the name, type, etc. But, hopefully, you will love it because it is something new and original. Thank you again!

By the way, I LOVE this site!!! It's AWESOME!!!

Rose's Thorns Unkown Area

creator- me, Kanna_Loveless
on the site im Rose's Thorns

the link to this site is in the page titled Mythical Creature

Description- This is my site for basically anything i could think of, Anime, Manga, Games, Videos and Photos as well as Myths. My site inculdesa a full page for a specific Mythical creature as well as a forum and a list of games,anime and mangas of the month. I will be constantly updating the site and the Mythically creature will be up for one month before i change it, you can get into the forum or sign the guest book with suggestions for anything youd like to see on the site. Your feedback is very important to me and would help make the site better.

The Fantasy Message Board

Site Creator - Ursula Andren

Description - Discuss all things fantasy including fantasy fiction stories, literature, art, fantasy movies, mythology, fantasy creatures and monsters, heroes of myth, legendary places, paganism, witchcraft and much more on this free fantasy forum message board. Make friends with other fantasy minded fans!