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Railuge | You mean, from Harry Potter? | 1 | Feb 11 2013, 4:20 AM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jun 11 2012, 3:04 PM EDT
If it is, this is one of the creatures in Harry Potter i cannot find anything about. I swear they exist though. Whenever my ex is around, i feel like i will never be happy again. Oh hey and a Harry Potter theme park banner is at the bottom.
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blackheart4eva | uhhhhhhh | 1 | Nov 26 2012, 1:26 PM EST by Ashkinuna | ||||
Thread started: Nov 26 2012, 1:14 PM EST
I don't get it....... why make this page if it was blank????
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Anonymous | why did logic chair say that as his excuse to delete it | 1 | Sep 30 2012, 6:59 PM EDT by Ashkinuna | ||||
Thread started: Sep 30 2012, 6:39 PM EDT
this is the mesage
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Anonymous | Wut? | 0 | Apr 26 2012, 5:46 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Apr 26 2012, 5:46 AM EDT
You stupid ******! This page had info before you came, you changing *****-face, hope you die in a hole!-
Anonymous | logic chair | 0 | Mar 18 2012, 5:08 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Mar 18 2012, 5:08 AM EDT
Hey logic chair I've read your conversasion with another ghost hunter if I'm not wrong his nickname were vampire..errr something like that you all was talking about maryland goatman right?
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logic chair
Anonymous | You're giving me a headache | 3 | Feb 11 2012, 4:18 AM EST by x-wolfhunter | ||||
Thread started: Feb 8 2012, 11:46 PM EST
Yeah cos all scientists wear lab coats and carry big notebooks. Either you're trolling or lacking decent education (not to mention grammar). When one of you hippies can actually compose a decent and bias-free argument that is comprehensible, someone might actually listen. That was painful to read...
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Anonymous | The Status of every single creature or being, set as fake | 4 | Jan 17 2012, 11:08 AM EST by x-wolfhunter | ||||
Thread started: Nov 18 2011, 12:01 PM EST
hahaha, FAKE! wtf is this site talking about for a lot of these?! every single damn being on this website had been alive at one point in time, some still are but they hide for their ****** life because they fear being killed or being used against their will for the rest of their life. what pisses me off the most is how scientists, movies, and most of all...STUPID PEOPLE WHO COPY **** AND POST FAKE THINGS ruin the reputations of these beings. they destroy the acceptance and belief of the other side of reality leaving people to be retarded about **** and saying "oh those aren't real, their only stories and stuff like that". well guess what...THEIR NOT STORIES AND FAKES!!!! NO OFFENSE TO SCIENTISTS but people always believe **** that scientists say just becuase their the ****** egg headed and considered braniacs of this world "i believe everything they say because they carry big notebooks and wear white coats, so they must be the smart ones!" WTF EVER! the truly smart people are the ones who actually have spirit and a sense of creation and faith. scientists are just ****** stupid NOOBS/NERDS/NUBS that deny **** just becuase they cant prove it their self. some people see things that they know are real then they try to speak about it and people just reject them and call them nut cases just because they havent saw it or proved it themself. ive dealt with and saw beings like these many many times. so just before people or scientists say that theses beings are fake, they should take a moment to think for once or actually get a spirit and a sense of creation with acceptance for the hidden realm, so they could actually see the truth for once in their ****** life. they are or were here back before this world was destroyed by ********. all i have left to say is believe and accept then one day you may actually understand
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Anonymous | Creative | 2 | Jan 4 2012, 8:18 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Dec 28 2011, 9:53 AM EST
Didn't J.K. create this creature from a dream? Such an imagination! I too believe in the paranormal and such. It's amazing what could truly be out there not even half of ocean life has been discovered yet!
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Harry Potter
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Anonymous | How to repel dementors | 0 | Oct 11 2011, 2:40 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Oct 11 2011, 2:40 AM EDT
THIS IS A VERY COMPLEX AND HARD SPELL The Patronus Charm is a shield to protect yourself from Dementors or Lethifolds it makes the dementors feed on the Charm instead of you a corporeal patronus can cast a dementor away but an incorporeal can't
Step 1 Think of a happy memory Step 2 Let it fill you Step 3 Raise your wand and say or shout the incantation EXPECTO PATRONUM
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Harry Potter
Anonymous | The first comment | 0 | Aug 12 2011, 8:31 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Aug 12 2011, 8:31 AM EDT
LOL! That's awesome...
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Harry Potter
Anonymous | Seen this guy before.... | 0 | Jul 29 2011, 8:51 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jul 29 2011, 8:51 AM EDT
Oh, great. It's my ex-boyfriend.
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Harry Potter
Anonymous | potter harry | 0 | Jul 11 2011, 12:11 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jul 11 2011, 12:11 AM EDT
who doesn't think of hairy potter hen they see this thing. almost kind of makes you think they made it up
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probably stupid
basiliskking | mad... | 1 | Jun 21 2011, 5:40 AM EDT by foxchild101 | ||||
Thread started: Jun 21 2011, 5:37 AM EDT
Anonymous i swear to god you are as mad as the hatter or madder then the hatter! lol welcome
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Anonymous | Wrong catagory | 1 | May 21 2011, 1:46 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Apr 4 2011, 11:52 AM EDT
This should probably be in the "Fictional creatures" catagory, since the dementor was completely made up by JK Rowling for her famous book series "Harry Potter". There have never been any folklaw or tales of dementors ever appearing before the release of the books or movies, since no one has ever proven to be in any way magical (Well, "Harry Potter" magical anyway, since David blaine or Penn and Teller haven't really proven to be fake) and anyone that says they have seen one, especially before the Harry Potter franchise, is either lieing, thought they saw one when it was something completely different, or was completely out of their head at the time... Sorry for the rather long and if i may say, "Proffesional" reply, but i just thought i'd point this out since it REALLY shouldn't be in mythilogical creatures, as they are more just fictonal creatures.
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Anonymous | Real | 2 | May 21 2011, 1:33 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: May 19 2011, 12:13 PM EDT
Dementors are real I've seen them. I am a wizard. They weren't made up from J.K. Rowling. Her information on wizards is fakes as she just makes up stories. I don't see how you believe that they are in fact fictional. Some of the creatures are myths but the Dementor isn't and I know that as a fact. You all probaly don't know who I am so I will now tekk you all. I'm Harry Potter
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Anonymous | wtf | 1 | Feb 13 2011, 1:50 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Feb 6 2011, 9:01 AM EST
This isn't mythological anything, why is this here? Dementors are part of the JK Rowling storyline, and that's IT.
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Anonymous | dementors | 0 | Feb 2 2011, 1:27 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Feb 2 2011, 1:27 PM EST
this is from HARRY POTTER