Djinn |

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Jun 13 2011, 3:04 AM EDT (current) Mythical_Geek
Jun 13 2011, 3:03 AM EDT Mythical_Geek 8 words added, 11 words deleted


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Ancient Assyrian stone relief of a genie.Known as "genies" in English, Djinn (singular form Djinni) have deep roots in Arab culture. The Djinn first sprang from stories told by Indian, Persian, and Arabian storytellers and gained international fame when they appeared throughout the tales Scheherezade told in "The Thousand and One Nights". It is said that the Djinn are created from fire and can take on any form they choose-animal or human-and can be of any size (they have a human-like form and can take the shape of animals but only temporary unless it is their tribes animal protector. Most of them are hostile, although some can be friendly. It is possible for magicians or wise men and women to gain power over a Djinn and use it to perform amazing and magical tasks. Be wary, for even a friendly Djinn is unpredictable and certainly anyone who breaks an agreement with a Djinn will strongly regret it. Often Djinn take naughty pleasure in punishing people for wronging them, even unintentionally.

There are five different types of Djinn. The least powerful is the Jann, next come the Djinn and then the Sheytans, or devils. The Afrits, sometimes called Efreets are very powerful but the Marids are the most powerful and dangerous of all. Djinn are generally believed responsible for illness and mishaps. Magicians have trapped Djinn in various ways. One way was imprisoning them in an old brass lamp. When someone rubs the lamp three times the Djinni inside will appear, grant three wishes, and obey the one who set it free. Traditionally, it is said that the great and wise King Solomon shut misbehaving Djinn in lead-stoppered bottles and threw them into the sea.