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Jan 21 2012, 2:22 PM EST (current) FangFlame13 127 words added
Nov 19 2010, 3:46 AM EST MattHadder


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This has been my first dream of a Hell Hound. I never heard of a Hell hound since I was 8 or 9. I didn't think much of it until now. Last night I was going down these steps, red blocks everywhere, nothing but an outside hall way. When I had reached the bottom everything, even my eyesight became red. A Hell Hound kept biting me on the shoulder and my neck. I had blocked myself with my arm but the Hell Hound had gone through it!! His eyes were red and he was pink skinned. I do not know what this dream means, but I would really like to know. It is just killing me and I cannot wait to see me sister for some answers.