Thread started: Jan 20 2011, 11:09 AM EST
Stop calling it a dragon when it is obviously nothing of the sort.
Do you see the long neck people? Dead giveaway. If you find any kind of snake with a neck you capture that bad boy, he's going to make you rich. Another dead giveaway is the forelimbs, no ophidian species has forelimbs since they do not have an upper thorax.
My god, this is not hard **** to figure out.
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RE: Knock it off!
By: Posted Anonymously,
Aug 5 2012, 9:17 AM EDT
"Stop calling it a dragon when it is obviously nothing of the sort.
Do you see the long neck people? Dead giveaway. If you find any kind of snake with a neck you capture that bad boy, he's going to make you rich. Another dead giveaway is the forelimbs, no ophidian species has forelimbs since they do not have an upper thorax.
My god, this is not hard **** to figure out." Excuse me, but are you a moron? Yes, it's a dragon! And you're a twit. There are different kinds of dragons you imbecile! Catching one is also stupid. They're practically deities! Wait, this one IS a deity! Oh, and did you know a lot of Asian dragons shape-shift? You're an idiot. Tianlong is a Chinese dragon. And the intelligence of this site is getting lower by the minute. Congratulations!
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