werewolvesThis is a featured page

I'm a werewolf and people think you need to get a werewolf bite but if I bite you I might get hungry. I'm a young wolf and I was a werewolf since birth. To people who want to be a werewolf you have some choices:
  • You can have a werewolf scratch.
  • You could try the werewolves curse.
  • You could have sex with a werewolf.
  • You could eat the flesh of a dead wolf, drink it's blood and were it's fur for a night with a full moon.
For 2 weeks you will change a bit. For 2-3 years you can't control the change every other night. After that you can change when you want. You will get hungry at night and crave meat. A loot of people might think I'm crazy but I'm a gray wolf every night with a pack of 6:
  1. My mom
  2. My dad
  3. Me
  4. My best friend
  5. My cousin
  6. My child
The other thing is try not to meet a werewolf that cant control change or you might not live for the next night.
If you do then don't run it might think your food, fight and howl or show your teeth you might get a scratch. Still don't back off or the wolf might think your weak and will kill you. If you have sex with a werewolf you have to be careful or the werewolf in person form might change without warning. That would not be good because the wolf will probably chew and eat you. This is all you should need to know mabe you might have some questions.

Latest page update: made by keelyproctor , Mar 21 2010, 2:45 PM EDT (about this update About This Update Im a werewolf and people dont know a thing about us - keelyproctor

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TheDragonLover omg 0 Thursday, 7:57 PM EDT by TheDragonLover
Thread started: Thursday, 7:57 PM EDT  Watch
r u really a werewolf? Bite me then! lol but really thats really cool. I always wanted to be someone who can change into a dragon.
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dacula werewolf s 0 Monday, 12:39 PM EDT by dacula
Thread started: Monday, 12:39 PM EDT  Watch
please let me know the following
How old are you
were do you reside
are there many like you
How about a pic of yourself in human form and werewolf form
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