Escuse me?
Can you explain what this looks like? If so tell me.
Jul 18 2011, 9:18 AM EDT by Anonymous
this thing is weird
Mar 11 2011, 10:04 AM EST by Anonymous
Wrong information!
Im from finland and i can correct some things you said, Ajatar does indeed come from the word aika (time) and the -tar (or -tär) ending means that its a woman. For example, "waitress" is "tarjoilija", and when you want to specify that its a woman, you say "tarjoilijatar".
Dec 4 2010, 7:46 AM EST by Anonymous
Looking for this page?Ajatar
Basically, in Finnish folklore, Ajatar (also spelled Aiatar , Ajattaro or Ajattara ) is a spirit known as "Devil of the Woods". It is an evil female spirit that manifests as a snake or dragon.She spreads disease and pestilence, any that look a
Last updated:
Nov 18 2010, 10:43 PM EST by