yah it dose
Jul 4 2012, 6:26 AM EDT by Anonymous
Sounds like another version of Atlas.
May 9 2012, 6:31 AM EDT by Anonymous
Sounds like....
....those tsimshian indians were dangerously, DANGEROUSLY - insane
Sep 6 2011, 9:42 AM EDT by Anonymous
Thinking the life and survival of this tribe weighed heavily on the presence of ducks. I would expect that this titan spinning the earth on duck-oil came from the necesity for preserving the ducks they needed. Simple, the fewer ducks you kill the more there are, so only kill the ones you need.
Mar 25 2011, 1:18 AM EDT by
here ducky ducky ducky!
I would like to test this...who is up for a random duck killing spree? I will bring a harpoon and duck bait.
Feb 12 2011, 2:23 PM EST by
Oil Spill
so... we better not have any more oil spills...
Dead ducks: dead world I guess its an environmental message XD
Dec 23 2010, 6:03 PM EST by Anonymous
Amala is a mythological giant of the Tsimshian Native Americans. He holds up the Earth on a spinning pole behind his back and must balance it. Once a year, a servant applies duck-oil to his muscles to relieve him. The Tsimshian apocalypse tale tells
Last updated:
May 29 2011, 6:46 PM EDT by